Reading Restless Pilgrim just got easier…

I post on this blog every day, but not every post is especially substantial.
On Mondays I post a video of Christian music.
On Wednesdays I share a quotation which I feel teaches some truth and is marked by wisdom.
On Fridays I post something light-hearted on the last day of the workweek to sustain good cheer and to usher in the weekend.
On the remaining days, I write some short posts, but I typically aim to write at least one substantial article each week, tagging it with the featured tag.
I was recently chatting with friends and a couple of them said that they come to my blog specifically for the more substantial articles and only visit the site periodically. In light of this, I wanted to explain to all readers how to best consume these articles if this is what you prefer.
Highlights Newsletter
For those who only periodically visit this site, but still want to stay abreast of the more substantial posts, I would recommend subscribing to the monthly newsletter. If you would like to sign-up for the newsletter, simply fill out the form below:
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I will only ever send out one email each month, promise!. In these emails I highlight my favourite posts from the last calendar month:
Featured Menu
Another way to consume the more substantial articles is to use the menu system at the top of the page. I’ve recently made a couple of changes to menu layout to make this easier:
The “Featured Articles” menu contains two entries, which allows readers to only view the more substantial articles I’ve written. All other posts, such as the music and quotations, will be filtered out.
How do you read Restless Pilgrim? Is there something else I can do to make it easier for you to consume the content?