A while back, I posted about Catholic apologist Trent Horn’s debate with Dan Barker on the subject of atheism, as well as his debate with Cecili Chadwick concerning abortion. Well, later this month Trent is going to be debating Dr. Richard Carrier on the historicity of Jesus. You can register for tickets here. Since I couldn’t find one, I also created a Facebook event:

This debate should be particularly interesting since Dr. Carrier is a prominent Jesus Mythicist and, to the best of my knowledge, the only historian with a PhD in Ancient History who casts serious doubt of Jesus’ existence. He’s published a couple of books on the subject where he explains why he thinks the scholarly consensus is wrong and what historical methods should be used instead.
If you’ve been to the other debates which Trent has done, you’ll know that this is sure to be a charitable and engaging debate. See you there