Friday Frivolity: Cecile Tweets

In the past I’ve covered some of the breathtaking marketing programmes from Planned Parenthood and their tendency to shoot themselves in the foot. For today’s “Friday Frivolity”, I wanted to share a tweet put out by Cecile Richards, the President of the abortion provider:

Here’s how my friend Katie responded…

I was about to close the browser tab, but then I decided to peruse some more of Ms Richards’ tweets as I drank my tea. I then came across this tweet…

I first noticed the comment. The phrase “Birth control is good for business” pretty much translates into “Sterilize your workforce and their family won’t get in the way of their productivity”. However, then I noticed the graphic used in the tweet. It looked so familiar… they didn’t, did they? I clicked on the link


Yup, Planned Parenthood had used a graphic of an NFP chart! Apparently they do know what is! Maybe they could consider this a better way to plan parenthood?

Spot the logical fallacy…

So it turns out that the actor James Franco likes to talk philosophy! I recently watched a video of him talking to a lady named Liz Harman on the subject of abortion.

Now, I try to be charitable when speaking about those who hold different views from my own. However, I have to say, having heard many arguments in favour of abortion, this lady presents one of the dumbest arguments I’ve ever heard!

She clearly commits one of the most basic logical fallacies out there: the circular argument. The really shocking thing, though, is that she teaches philosophy at Princeton University! To quote a far wiser teacher, “Logic! Why don’t they teach them logic in these schools?”

Is a pro-lifer in charge of Planned Parenthood marketing?

Over the past week, I’ve shared several short posts pointing out that Planned Parenthood doesn’t seem to understand irony (Post 1 | Post 2). I’m now starting to think that there’s some kind of conspiracy theory! Has Planned Parenthood has accidentally hired someone who is pro-life to head up their marketing department?

The latest advertising campaign from the abortion provider begins with the words “Watch. Share. Slay:

Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 2.40.33 PM

What an unfortunate choice of words! The introductory paragraph attempts to explain this rather questionable title:

If there’s anything we’ve learned from Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Avengers) over the years, it’s this – every single one of us has a hero inside ; and its our responsibility to use our superpowers to slay.

Erm, Planned Parenthood, this isn’t sounding any better… What exactly is being slain here? In Joss Whedon’s TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it is evil beings which are slain: vampires, demons etc. Tell me, what exactly gets slain at Planned Parenthood?

Being able to thank your mother…

A couple of days ago I had a quick post where I pointed out that Planned Parenthood, the abortion provider, doesn’t appear to understand irony. Well, they strike once again, this time by retweeting a Mother’s Day message from their president Cecile Richards…

Thanks to the work of Planned Parenthood, 50 million people never had the chance to tell their mothers that they loved them and a similar number never got to hear it…

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