Is it life?

I’ll get around to writing up my resolutions tonight, but just now I wanted to share a video I stumbled across last night. These are some comments by Planned Parenthood’s College Outreach Group. Their approach is utterly mind-boggling!

Disturbing numbers

Today I looked up the number of abortions which happen worldwide in the space of a year. The number was truly shocking:

42 Million 56 Million

42….million…that number is just far too big for me to even try and wrap my head around. How about the number just in the US?

1.37 Million 638,169

1.37….million… Even that number is too large for me to even attempt to visualize… What would that be per day?

3,700 1,748

Over three and a half thousand abortions a day in the USA… To put that into context, September 11th, the event that shook the world, claimed approximately 2,977 lives…

I recall hearing a soundbite on TV of a certain politician defending the current abortion laws and saying that he wanted abortion to be “safe, legal and rare”.

I’m sure there’s constant medical progress towards protecting the mother’s health during the abortion procedure.

Abortion is certainly legal.

But rare?

Lila Rose’s Story

I’m sure a lot of you have heard of Lila Rose, the young lady who has caused some real waves in the abortion debate and has become, I’m sure, a real thorn in the side of Planned Parenthood. However, not all of you may be aware of the story of her conversion. To hear it, please click on the link below…

Abortion Changes You

Monday marked the end of this month’s “Theology On Tap”, a Diocesan Catholic young adult event, this time hosted by the JP2 Group. Our opening speaker at the start of the month was the incomparable Paul J Kim and the series of talks was brought to a close by Michaelene Fredenburg.

Michaelene’s talk was entitled “Invitation to healing: reaching those touched by abortion”. Abortion is certainly a very sensitive subject and Michaelene handled it beautifully and delicately. She didn’t present a theological treatise as to why abortion is wrong, but rather presented insight into the life of someone who has been affected by abortion and offered some guidance as to how to sensitively help that person.

It’s inevitable that most people reading this post will have been affected in some way by abortion, either directly or indirectly. For this reason, if you were unable to make it to this last “Theology On Tap” session I would encourage you check out her website at

(In related news, the ex-fiancée of Aerosmith singer Steve Tyler has recently spoken about the abortion she had,  It’s truly worth reading. Tyler himself having spoken about this earlier in the month)

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