My 12 for 2012

I wrote earlier about my New Year’s Resolutions. One of the items was “Complete Reading List”. Here are the books I’ve selected:

My Reading List

I’m sure this little bundle will inspire a blog entry or two…

The Church and the New Media – Brandon Vogt
The Path of Life – Cyprian Smith OSB
I’m Not Being Fed! – Jeff Cavins
Jesus of Nazareth – Pope Benedict XVI
Rediscover Catholicism – Matthew Kelly
Godless Delusion – Patric Madrid & Kenneth Hensley
The Passion of Jesus Christ – John Piper
How To Listen When God Is Speaking – Mitch Pacwa, SJ
Father Brown of the Church of Rome – G.K Chesterton
Jesus Among Other Gods – Ravi Zacharias
The Story of Christianity – Justo Gonzalez
Philosophy For Dummies – Thomas Morris

I will be beginning with the one at the top of the pile The Church and the New Media which I recently won in a competition over at the author’s blog, The Thin Veil. Thanks Brandon! 🙂

New Resolutions

Okaaaaay….it’s new resolution time… Here’s what 2012 has in store for me…

1. Read through the New Testament Twice: This is actually quite a modest goal if I’m honest. I did toy with the idea of reading the entire Bible this year, but in the end I favoured this goal in the hope that I will achieve the daily prayerful Lectio Divina reading that I tried (and failed) to do in 2011.

2. More dancing: This is being carried over from last year.  My goal is to be dancing weekly by the end of 2012.

3. Be more gentle with people: Later this month I’ll do a blog entry explaining exactly what I have in mind here…

4. No sodas/fizzy drinks: Sodas are the new chocolate 😉

5. Get into the best shape of my life: This is another resolution continued from last year. I’m aiming to complete this resolution by my next birthday in April. I’ve signed up for the Warrior Dash and I may do a half-marathon…

6. Complete reading list: I’m going to be a bit more purposeful in my reading in 2012. I have assembled a list of twelve books that I want to finish by the end of the year. I’ll do a post on these books when they’ve all arrived.

7. Keep proper track of finances: Last year I got some way towards achieving this goal. This year I’m going to be a bit more specific: I’m aiming to check my bank accounts and check my budget once a week.

8. Tick something off my TODO list: I usually have a list of TODOs up on the mirror in my apartment. I want to get into the habit of ticking off something every day, even if it’s just something simple like “Answer Joe’s email” or “Do washing up”.

10. Fast on Wednesday and Friday: Fasting twice a week was a practice of the Early Church and I’d like to integrate it into my life.

11. Give up Facebook for 40 days: Just to show I can 😉 I’ll probably do it after Daughters Of The King.

12. Make an effort to dress well for Mass: For years I was an altar server, so the only thing that mattered was that I wore black shoes since a cassock covered everything else. I’ve therefore never given much thought to what I’ve worn to the liturgy but a few months ago I decided that I should address this.

Standing Alone

So about a week ago, I posted an exchange I had with a friend on Facebook in response to his provocative “Reformation Day” post. Our discussion had paused after I asked him this question: if you couldn’t find anyone in the Early Church who held to your beliefs, would that give you any pause?

I ask this question because if someone is willing to hold onto their theological presuppositions and interpretations in the face of over a millennium of Christian witness, it says a lot…

Answering a different question

When my friend eventually responded, this is what he said…

You want me to delve into the nuts and bolts of Catholic doctrine in order to discuss what, exactly, the belief or beliefs are which I think are wrong, unscriptural, deceptive, or otherwise “evil,” and you’ve provided me with a list of candidate doctrines to consider.

This was not the question that I asked. I wasn’t asking him to deny Catholic doctrine, initially, I asked him to explain why the Early Church looked Catholic and most recently I asked how he would respond if he couldn’t find anyone in the Early Church who held to a version of Christianity which he recognized as his own.

We can get into that discussion, but it’s going to be a very long one. Whole shelves and libraries of books have been written on the subject, though. A whole Reformation occurred. I do believe that it’s important for a person to make their own case for their beliefs. To read some of these books, gain one’s own experiences, and maybe even write down the justification of one’s beliefs in order to make an argument for them. I picked out the very first point in your article as an example because I know that attempting to make a case against Catholicism is going to be very involved and I haven’t taken the time, in my life, to structure my own personal case against Catholicism. I’ve focused on Rabbinic Judaism and atheism – even Islam more so than Catholicism. What hasn’t been said and answered and rebutted and countered in the last 500 or so years since the Reformation? Where is the conversation located now?

I would like to go through your article and analyze each point one by one, making my case against them…but something like that would take a while. I hope to do it one day. But not being able to do that right now, I’m forced to make some general remarks, and so I’ll say this…

I am, of course, grateful for the many debates that the early church struggled through in order to thresh out the kernels of truth. There are, however, many mistakes and misinterpretations that – what you’re calling the “early church” – passed on. Saintly intercession and prayer for the dead are definitely two of them. Again, though I would love to go through your article one topic at a time, that is what I would have to do: investigate each item individually and articulate agreements and disagreements with nuance.

Given that he couldn’t identify a single Christian after St. Paul, how can he comment on the Early Church at all?

He asserts that Saintly Intercession and Prayers for the Dead are mistakes and misinterpretations – no evidence or argument is provided.

However, this clarify one thing, that the Early Church believed doctrines which he denies. Given the chose, he prefers to go with his own interpretations rather than the Early Church. For some reason, he thinks his interpretations superior. Where does this confidence come from? He doesn’t say. Why does nobody in the Early Church argue against this? He doesn’t say.

Let me start here:

If I think that there are doctrines that individuals in the “early church” espoused which I think are wrong, unscriptural, etc., that doesn’t mean that I have to, therefore, believe that “the beliefs of the Early Church were evil,” as you say. No, it means that I believe that THAT particular belief of those particular individuals IN the “early church” is “evil.”

I have no problem with saying that there may be some beliefs “of the early church” that are “evil” – and by evil I would mean unscriptural, misleading, deceptive, etc. That is, “not truth” and therefore, a lie. As far as a lie is evil, then that’s what I would mean by “evil.” Because it would be something that leads people away from truth. And more than that, telling people that if they don’t believe the lie, then they do not belong to the “true church” (and by implication are not regenerated and saved), is evil.

It’s not an issue for me to say that Barnabas, Ignatius, Melito, Chrysostom, Athanasius, Origen, Cyprian, Tertullian, Basil, etc. could be mistaken on certain things and could have believed false doctrines that would prove to be detrimental to people’s faith and relationship with HaShem and, therefore, those particular beliefs are evil. Their words are not scripture. They have no spiritual authority. They are, to me, of similar status to the sages of Rabbinic Judaism or some biblical scholars in more modern times. Or even some IN modern times. That’s not a problem for me. What those “evil” doctrines are? I would have to thresh that out one by one. I don’t have any particular one in mind right now.

You have one in mind. You present the example of Ignatius excommunicating the Docetists because they didn’t believe the Eucharist was the real flesh of Jesus. So let’s deal with that one now. The Docetists were right on this count, and Ignatius was wrong. Whole shelves have been written over this one issue, so I don’t think it would be beneficial for you and I to get into it, except to say that from a Jewish perspective, it is absolute nonsense and obviously pagan in influence to suggest that when Jesus was leading the Seder meal and got to the Afikomen portion and broke the matzah and said, ‘This is my body,’ that He meant anything other than that the breaking and burying of the matzah represented and was a symbol of His death. Now, mystery surrounds the origins of the afikomen tradition. It wasn’t called “afikomen” until medieval times, but the tradition goes all the way back to at least the first century and Austrian Jewish scholar Robert Eisler proposed in 1925 that that the tradition was conceived by first century Jewish followers of Jesus, inspired by His last seder. Why make that tradition if this is not the symbolism that Jesus intended?

Ignatius’ misunderstanding of the symbolism surrounding the Passover seder is in keeping with his general anti-Semitism. It is well known that he sought and advocated for separating and distancing the church from any and all hint of Judaism. Though in his greeting to the church of Smyrna he comes across as genial, “…for he is a mediator between God and man for the peace of Israel,” in the same letter he accuses Jews of being Christ-killers.

Some of his writing, though not as anti-Semitic as is Justin Martyr’s or Augustine’s, is an obvious augmentation of the “Parting of the Ways.” Here’s how Judith Lieu put in her book Image and Reality, “For Ignatius, Judaism and Christianity share no common ground and it is inconceivable that anyone should partake in both. Yet the very force of his argument demonstrates that this was precisely what was happening, or perhaps what was happening was that his clear definition of Judaism and Christianity did not match the life of the churches.”

– Judith Lieu, Image and Reality: The Jews in the World of the Christians in the Second Century (London: T&T Clark, 2003), 40.

For example, in his epistle to Hero, “If anyone says that the Lord is a mere man, he is a Jew, a murderer of Christ.” He’s using the term “Jew” as an insult. His epistle to the Magnesians: “to those who had fallen into the error of polytheism he made known the one and only true God, his Father, and underwent the passion, and endured the cross at the hands of the Christ-killing Jews, under Pontius Pilate the governor and Herod the king.” And, “Abide in Christ, that the stranger may not have dominion over you. It is absurd to speak of Jesus Christ with the tongue, and to cherish in the mind a Judaism which has now come to an end. For where there is Christianity there cannot be Judaism.”

In his epistle to the Philippians, “Do not lightly esteem the festivals…If anyone fasts on the Lord’s Day or on the Sabbath, except on the paschal Sabbath only, he is a murderer of Christ…If any one celebrates the Passover along with the Jews, or receives the emblems of the feast, he is a partaker with those that killed the Lord and his apostles.”

Obviously, then, if he says that anyone who receives the emblems of the Passover is a partaker of those who killed Jesus, he’s not going to understand the symbolism of the Seder and he’s going to misinterpret it. If Ignatius did not understand Jesus’ symbolism in the seder meal and instead taught the “real presence” of Messiah in the bread and wine – which would have been heretical to Jesus’s Judaism Himself – then that’s consistent with Ignatius’s anti-Jewish leanings. It’s clear the man loved Jesus…but he did so without really realizing that Jesus was Jewish, practiced and taught Judaism, had no intention or desire to create another religion other than Judaism, and partook in and led these feasts Himself that Ignatius is so wary of. This is false teaching. This is leading God’s people astray. This is causing a rift, a schism in the body of Messiah between Jew and Gentile. This is…evil.

“Ignatius emphasized Jesus’s death and resurrection (not his life and ministry), championed church authority and hierarchy, and strove for the de-Judaizing of belief in Jesus — a cluster of themes associated with the faction I identify throughout as Pauline-Lukan. Eusebius informs us that Ignatius was the third Bishop of Antioch, following Peter and Evodius, apparently the first Gentile to rise to this status. Ignatius’s episcopate, whose background and affinities were not Jewish, was a triumph for the Paulines. Insistence on unity and hierarchy, an Ignatian maxim, became characteristic of the emerging Pauline proto-orthodox strand. Ignatius, free from Paul’s complex relationship with the “Pillars” and from any emotional attachment to Judaism, articulates a more overt and unequivocal negative tone toward the beliefs and traditions of the founding fathers.”

– Bibliowicz, A.M. (2013). The Anti-Jewish Strand in Ignatius. In: Jews and Gentiles in the Early Jesus Movement. Palgrave Macmillan, New York

Is Jesus going to return to an anti-Semitic bride?

I could go on, but I’ll respond to your last question. Would it give me pause if I could not find anyone in the “early church” who “held to my beliefs?” The question is nonsensical because everyone in the early church held to my beliefs. Namely, that Jesus was and is the Messiah the Son of the triune God who incarnated, lived a sinless life and gave His life as the offering to atone for the sins of the world, inviting all of us into a new covenantal and personal relationship with Him so that we can be redeemed, transformed, and sanctified and be with Him in the new creation for eternity. They held those beliefs, I hold those beliefs. Therefore, I can and do find people in the early church who hold my beliefs. No “pause” is to be had, there. Anti-Semitism and twisting scripture and teaching and enforcing one’s misunderstanding of Jesus’s Judaism and, therefore, teaching and enforcing lies and false doctrines? Yeah, that gives me pause. Evil gives me pause, and anti-Semitism and false teachings are insidious evil.

//You cite a couple of contemporary scholar’s opinion about Ignatius, which doesn’t carry much weight with me.//

– Well, their interpretation carries weight with me. It makes complete sense, from a Jewish perspective.

//You simply *assert* antisemitism in the texts, but the standard you use I think would also condemn the New Testament authors!//

– This is an ignorant comment. They are incomparable. And I’m not asserting anti-Semitism. I’m reading it. There are no other ways to interpret the plain reading of his words.

//Ironically, I was first introduced to Ignatius by a Hebrew Catholic, Dr. Lawrence Feingold, and he didn’t have this interpretation.//

– Great. Good for him. This Jew can see the anti-Semitism plainly. Along with, by the way, what I believe is the majority of scholarship. It’s common knowledge that particular early church fathers were anti-Semites. Everyone knows this. It’s not disputed.

//I find it rather ironic that you celebrate “Reformation Day” and yet charge Ignatius with “causing a rift, a schism in the body of Messiah”… Do you think the Reformation caused unity or division?//

– I charge Ignatius with ethnically-based schism between Gentile and Jewish followers of Messiah. This was a bad thing. I charge Luther et al with theological rift between a corrupt, false religion and those who desired to actually follow and obey the scriptures. This is a good thing. This is “making holy.” To cut and separate. The Reformation was a step in the right direction. (Hopefully this brings clarity to help you “re-think your thinking,” as my dad says. Don’t mind him, btw. He’s harmless.)

//I’m still not clear as to which of the 21 doctrines presented you’d regard as evil. //

– Obviously you aren’t, because I stated (a couple of times) that I’m not going to evaluate them one-by-one right now.

//The only one you mention in your response is the Real Presence, which you reject. The trouble is, that teaching is *universal* in the Early Church.//

– The early Roman Catholic religion, you mean. Which is fine by me. Mormonism believes weird things, too. False religions are entitled to their false beliefs.

//If you’re going to deny this doctrine, that doesn’t really leave anyone in the Early Church.//

– I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say, here. People within and without of the Roman Church believed true things and false things. Some were regenerated, some were not. Doesn’t matter if they belonged to the Roman Church or not. Belonging to the body of Messiah is not co-equal with belonging to the Roman Church.

//This creates lots of problems, including the question of the canon since you think that the people who discerned it held to evil doctrines.//

– Nope. I see no issues, there. God uses fallible people. Always has, always will. And anyways, the Canon is internally consistent and self-authenticating.

The Qur’an is clear and fully-detailed?

While speaking to Qur’an-only Muslims, they often say that the Qur’an is clear and fully-detailed and, since they can’t draw upon hadith, it is even more important that this be true. In a recent conversation, I listed a few reasons why I don’t think it’s always fully-detailed or clear:

  • The Qur’an says to pray, fast, do hajj etc. but gives precious few instructions as to how this should be done.
  • Dhu al-Qarnayn is mentioned, but the text doesn’t say who he is.
  • Likewise, the Qur’an references lots of figures from Israelite history and assumes the reader knows about these people and events. This becomes far more problematic if one thinks that that earlier revelation has been corrupted.
  • Surah 66 gives precious few details about the dispute to which it refers. All you can really tell is that Muhammad denied himself something to try and please his wives and Allah is displeased.
  • In 17:1, who travelled and to where did they go?
  • After reading the account of Isa’s crucifixion, I’ve still got no idea what actually happened. Was Judas swapped out? Someone else? Why didn’t Allah just visibly save Isa, rather than convincing everyone that the crucifixion happened and thereby beginning Christianity? It describes Jesus as “Messiah” but doesn’t explain what that means or why he alone has a virginal conception.
  • The Qur’an says that Isa/Jesus is the “Messiah”, but what does it mean to be the Messiah?
  • What does AlifLamRa mean?
  • The Qur’an repeatedly singles out one particular brother of Joseph (“Yusuf”). Who is it? What was the name of his bother?
  • With how many women did Jacob (“Yaqub”) have children?
  • Name the twelve tribes of Israel mentioned in 7:160
  • Where was Jesus born?
  • Where and when did Jesus conduct His ministry?
  • Can you name Jesus’ disciples?
  • Are Israel and Jacob the same person?
  • What Scripture did Moses bring?
  • Who are the messengers of 36:14?
  • Can Muslims marry Christians? Some passages seem to suggest “yes”, but other passages say Muslims can’t marry polytheists, and that is the charge against Christians which would mean the answer would be “no”.

Many more could be added… One ultimately has to assume that none of this is important, which is just another way of saying that not everything is clear or fully-explained.

The Big Bang in the Qur’an?

There are three main problems with what’s said here:

  1. As with most scientific miracle claims in the Qur’an, A LOT is read into a vague text. All it says is that “the heavens” and “the earth” were once together and that God separated them. It’s a BIG jump from this basic statement to the Big Bang Theory (a theory first suggested, not by a Muslim reading this Qur’an, but by a Catholic priest).
  2. The idea of God (or the gods) separating and organizing creation isn’t unique to the Qur’an. If this is a proof, then many other religions of the world are vindicated.
  3. Most importantly, the Qur’an says that EVEN UNBELIEVERS recognize that the heavens and the earth were separated. If this was common knowledge among unbelievers, what is exactly is the miracle of the Qur’an?

Fr. Pavone

Yesterday I saw the unfortunate news that Fr. Frank Pavone had been laicized. I’ve already seen some Catholics on Social Media immediately posting “I stand with Fr. Pavone”. Their loyalty to Frank Pavone is touching, but the sentiment of such posts is unclear. I can see three possible interpretations:

  1. They believe the reasons for his dismissal to be false
  2. They believe the reasons for his dismissal are true, but they think the penalty is excessive
  3. They believe the reasons for his dismissal may or may not be true, but they just don’t care

Unfortunately, I have a suspicion that most people fall in the last camp…

Earlier echos…

When Fr. Altman was in the news about a year ago, we saw lots of people posting similar sentiments because they saw him as bastion against “liberal” Catholicism. Unfortunately few of his supporters would acknowledge the authority of his bishop or try to address his words and actions. In their minds, the very fact that he stood up for “conservative” Catholicism gave him a free pass. However, just because someone does great good, doesn’t make it impossible for that same person to have done something incorrect or wrong.

We’ve seen a very similar phenomenon in recent years among some Trump supporters. While some Christians who voted for President Trump acknowledge that they didn’t like some of the things he has said and done, others don’t seem to give such behaviour a second thought as long as he continues to “own the Libs”.

Balanced criticism

Now, one might ask why it seems that “conservative” priests appear much more likely to be disciplined than “liberal” ones. It’s a good question and I agree that discipline does seem to slant in one particular direction. However, that doesn’t mean we can just ignore ecclesiastical law, and just because one bishop fails in his duty to correctly discipline his priests doesn’t mean that all bishops must cease to do so.

Required Watching

I would invite anyone vocally asserting Frank Provone’s innocence or complaining about the unjust nature of his punishment to first reading this Catholic World Report article which outlines the main facts, as well as this one from The Pillar.

Next, I suggest watching this video by a priest who previously worked with him:

I would also invite you to read the article referenced in the above video:

Here is one of the tweets which seems to have got him into trouble:

Since disobedience was was of the charges against him, it’s probably worth noting that the video below was posted the day after he claims to have first discovered the ruling from the Catholic News Agency. I hope that the video was recorded prior to confirmation of his laicization, otherwise it doesn’t bode well regarding his future obedience to this ecclesiastical ruling:

Finally, as always, watch this video from Michael Lofton where he offers some level-headed commentary on the situation:

…and I would strongly recommend reading the article referenced which on How St. Padre Pio responded when the Vatican silenced him.

PWJ: S4E101 – Bonus – “Jack vs Tollers”

After the previously-planned interview fell through at the last minute, David sat down to record a solo episode to talk about his newborn son, Sidecar Day, blue flowers in Narnia, and also to make his tongue-in-cheek case as to why C.S. Lewis is better than J.R.R. Tolkien.

S4E101: “Jack vs Tollers” (Download)

If you enjoy this episode, you can subscribe manually, or any place where good podcasts can be found (iTunesGoogle Play, AmazonAudible, PodbeanStitcherTuneIn and Overcast), as well as on YouTube. The roadmap for Season 4 is available here.

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