Why people don’t go to church
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
To celebrate Chesterton’s birthday there’ll be celebratory drinks at Theology On Tap tonight!
“A room without books is like a body without a soul”
– G. K. Chesterton
Time for a resolution update…
1. Read through the New Testament Twice
Ugh. Really bad. Total fail. I’m moving to a new apartment this week so I’m going to try and reboot my routine.
2. More dancing
I’ve been a few times, but no, fail.
3. Be more gentle with people
Actually a few successes to report! Blessed are the meek indeed! Long may it last!
4. No sodas/fizzy drinks
Still going well. My desire for them has really diminished. On a related note, I’ve managed to stick with my two-caffeinated-beverages-a-day rule too 🙂
5. Get into the best shape of my life
Finally back on track! I was weighed when I went to the doctor’s a few weeks ago and rather horrified at my weight. I am now a man on a mission. My goals is to get my weight back to 155lbs, the weight I was when I first came to America.
6. Complete reading list
I’m a little behind schedule, but I’m at least back into a regular habit. In recent months I’ve polished off I’m not being fed!, Confessions of a Mega-Church Pastor and Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth.
7. Keep proper track of finances
I’ve actually been doing rather well here. I’m checking my bank accounts a little bit more regularly, plus I produced a flow diagram to help me understand where my money goes each month:
8. Tick something off my TODO list
Still going strong. It’s really helping.
10. Fast on Wednesday and Friday
I’ve skipped a few Wednesdays, but replaced fasting with some other kind of penance (forgoing a cup of tea, saying a rosary etc).
11. Give up Facebook for 40 days
I gave up Facebook for Lent. It was rather refreshing. It has certainly changed my relationship with Facebook.
12. Make an effort to dress well for Mass
I’ve done pretty well here, shaving, wearing a shirt, nice shoes etc. I have certainly been more conscious of it.
All in all, not bad, but I really need to make an effort with those first two!
If you are leading a Bible Study of these Readings, I would suggest reading them in the following order: Gospel, First Reading, Second Reading, Psalm.
This week is probably my favourite feast in the Church’s liturgical year: Pentecost. On the day the Holy Spirit came, three thousand people entered the Church. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit that we might see this again in our days…
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Okay, this is going to go viral…
For the last few days (the last nine days, in fact!), I’ve been praying a Novena. This has meant that I’ve been praying the rosary every day. As you may know, the Catholic Church has assigned to each day of the week a different set of “mysteries”:
Monday: Joyful Mysteries
Tuesday: Sorrowful Mysteries
Wednesday: Glorious Mysteries
Thursday: Luminous Mysteries
Friday: Sorrowful Mysteries
Saturday: Joyful Mysteries
Sunday: Glorious Mysteries
These mysteries are the events in the life of Jesus and His mother, such as the Resurrection and when Jesus turned water into wine. Catholics are invited to meditate upon these mysteries as they pray the rosary. Previously, whenever I went to pray a rosary, I always had to do a google search to check which mysteries were assigned to that day. However, after nine days of praying the rosary, I’ve come up with a little mnemonic to work it out:
Jesus Saves, God Loves Sinners, Jehovah God