Friday Frivolity: Best Prayer Evah…
(For the original prayer, see here…)
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
(For the original prayer, see here…)
For more thoughts on this, please see my post The Excuses We Make.
Also go check out Brandon Vogt’s Catholic Speakers List…
“God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails…”
– St. Augustine
(Now, I’m not saying St. Augustine copied me here, but this does sound awfully familiar…)
A few weeks ago I recorded the Second Vatican Counsel document which concerns the Eastern Rite Churches, Orientalium Ecclesiarum. This weekend I completed recording Pope Benedict’s first encyclical God Is Love (“Deus Caritas Est”) onto MP3.
Introduction (Download)
Part I (Download)
Part II (Download)
“They wanted to pray together, but not see each other, before the ceremony”