Friday Frivolity: Adam, Eve and the Pythons

Wow.  It has been an insane week.  I have tried to write some blog posts, but work and life have just been so busy I haven’t got very far.  Anyhow, it’s Friday so you all deserve some frivolity 🙂

I’ve always been a fan of Monty Python so here is a scene from “Live at the Hollywood Bowl” in which John Cleese plays a rather convincing Pope…

Friday Frivolity: Youth Leadership

Ministering to teenagers is tough.  I once taught a confirmation class and it was one of the hardest things I think I’ve ever had to do.  I also once spent a week looking after teenagers at a Christian conference and that was…well…let’s just say I prayed a lot that week.  If only I had help from Ignatius…

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