Friday Frivolity: Catholic Adverts
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
Ten years ago this month, Matt Maher and Jenny Pixler wrote a song together. Today, at the wedding of Jackie Francois & Bobby Angel, Jenny is singing that same song with Tim Foley. So, in honour of both the song anniversary and this nuptial event…
(Click on the image to hear the song)
Q. What is similar about the Jesuit and Dominican Orders?
Well, they were both founded by Spaniards, St. Dominic for the Dominicans, and St. Ignatius of Loyola for the Jesuits. They were also both founded to combat heresy: the Dominicans to respond to the Albigensians, and the Jesuits to respond to the Protestants.
Q. What is different about the Jesuit and Dominican Orders?
Well, have you met any Albigensians lately?
The article Happy Feast Day of St. Dominic! first appeared on
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