Sneaking back into Eden


“Any other hope of a transformed experience, however it may be induced, by drugs, music, art, therapies of whatever sort, will ultimately be exposed for what it is: a man-made attempt to walk back into Eden. Those who attempt that way have only themselves to blame if they are lacerated and wounded by the Cherubim’s whirling swords.

The only way is forward, out of the death of Eden, to the Spiritual rebirth of the Kingdom of God, leading finally to the reconciliation of all things in the consummation of Christ.”
– Bible Speaks Today on the Song Of Songs, Page 189

Wise Words on Wednesday: Silence & Solitude

Sheen Preaching

“…there come moments, at night or when alone or in the silence of the country, where we cannot help but pass judgement on ourselves. But those whose consciences are no good avoid this by immersing themselves in externals. Hence the reluctance of such persons to be alone with themselves. They search for constant distractions, or something ‘to make one forget’, anything to keep the wound below the surface, and the memories from flying upward into consciousness” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen, “Guide to Contentment”, Page 53


I was chatting with a friend recently and he raised the subject of population control. It reminded me of the following video of George Bernard Shaw. Now, I’m a fan of Shaw’s writing, but listening him speak about eugenics sends a shiver down my spine…

“Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by the light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree – Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae

Wise Words On Wednesday: Intended for Great Ends

Who doesn’t love Cardinal Newman?! If you would like to purchase the newly-published book “The Quotable Newman“, then please click on the link below:

Therefore, it seems only appropriate that today’s “Wise Words On Wednesday” come from the famous Anglican convert himself:


“If we are intended for great ends, we are called to great hazards”  
– Blessed John Henry Newman

In addition, the author, Dave Armstrong is also offering free e-books if you publicize his book on your Facebook page or blog!

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