TOT: Angels & Demons
It’s Theology On Tap season again! This series kicked off with Fr. Anthony Saroki speaking on “Angels & Demons: Who are they and how do they influence us?”:
Main Talk (Download)
Audio PlayerQ&A (Download)
Audio Player"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
It’s Theology On Tap season again! This series kicked off with Fr. Anthony Saroki speaking on “Angels & Demons: Who are they and how do they influence us?”:
Main Talk (Download)
Audio PlayerQ&A (Download)
Audio PlayerIn the last round of Theology On Tap we also had Chris Hulbert come and speak to us, “Prayer in the FAST LANE! Quiet moments to connect with God”. The audio is available for download below:
Main Talk (Download)
Audio PlayerQ&A (Download)
Audio PlayerGroup Discussion (Download)
Audio PlayerTheology On Tap was running last month and one of the speakers in this series was Katie Patrizio giving her talk entitled“A Crash Course through Sacred Scripture”.
As well as giving a brief tour through the books of the Bible, in her talk Katie traces the biblical narrative through the six major covenants of Salvation History. As she moves through each of the covenants she explains how the covenants built upon one another and all recapitulated and ultimately fulfilled in the words and actions of Christ.
Main Talk (Download)
Audio PlayerUnfortunately, I had to cut some of the audio during the discussion with the audience because the audio quality was too poor. However, enough context is given in each answer to work out the other side of the conversation…
Q&A (Download)
Audio PlayerGroup Discussions (Download)
Audio PlayerKatie has several more talks on her website that you might like to check out if you’d like to learn more about studying the Bible. She will also be completing her MA in Theology this week and has asked for your prayers!
Last week I posted the audio from Dr. Michael Barber’s Theology On Tap. In this most recent Theology On Tap series we also had Matt Franklin come and give a presentation. His talk was called “Sweet Surrender: Are you a fan or follower of Jesus?”
Main Talk (Download)
Audio PlayerQ&A (Download)
Audio PlayerLast month, Dr. Michael Barber gave a talk at Theology On Tap.
Dr. Barber has spoken at Theology On Tap several times in the past (“Understanding The Mass” and “Spiritual Lessons About Politics”), as has his wife (“Mary, Saints, Angels and More!”).
Attached below is the audio of Dr. Barber’s latest talk, entitled “The Book of Revelation and the Mass”, where he deals with some of the misconceptions concerning this final book of the Bible, as well as its connection to the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist with which we’re all familiar:
Audio PlayerMain Talk (Download)
Audio PlayerQ&A (Download)
If you like what you hear, I’d thoroughly recommend you purchase his book Coming Soon, which is my favourite commentary on the Book of Revelation.
Our recent Theology On Tap series was brought to a close by a San Diego favourite, Jackie Francois…or shouldn’t she be called Jackie Angel now?
Anyway, Jackie spoke at the final Theology On Tap about “Bringing Sexy Back…to its original meaning!”.
Main Talk (Download)
Questions & Answers (Download)
Audio PlayerUPDATE: In related news, there’s a little angel on the way…
This week we concluded our current round of Theology On Tap. At the beginning of this series, Fr. Jacob gave a talk entitled: “The Francis Effect: Living the life of JOY!”. The audio is available below.
Audio Player(Download)