Sunday Lectionary: Living Bread From Heaven

These notes have been taking up too much of my time again. I’m really going to try and concentrate on keeping them brief…

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 12th, 2012

Our Readings this week continue building on the themes of the past few weeks. In our First Reading we hear about how God provided bread and water for Elijah in the desert and in our Gospel Jesus continues with His the “Bread of life Discourse”. In our Second Reading Paul continues His moral exhortation to the Ephesians.

last supper

O sacrament of mercy, O sign of unity, O bond of love! Whoso wishes to live, let him draw nigh, believe, be incorporated, that he may be quickened. – St. Augustine

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Sunday Lectionary: Bread from Heaven

I’ve been on vacation this week so my notes are late and not quite as polished as they are normally.

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 2nd August, 2012

Our Readings this week focus again on the subject of sacred food.

In the First Reading, we read how the Israelites were fed with manna in the desert. The manna is also the subject of this week’s Psalm, as psalmist proclaims “The Lord gave them bread from heaven”. These are also the words quoted by the crowd who come to Jesus after “The Feeding of the Multitude”. The crowd comes expecting another free meal, but rather than filling their stomachs, Jesus directs them towards deeper spiritual realities, declaring Himself to be “the bread of life” and that “whoever comes…will never hunger, and whoever believes…will never thirst”.

Our understanding of the Second Reading may be illuminated by considering the rite of Baptism in the early centuries of the Church. In preparation for the Sacrament, someone wishing to be baptised would receive a period of instruction. Afterwards, he would then arrive at the Baptismal pool and shed himself of his clothes, symbolically demonstrating that he wished to put away the old self of [the] former way of life, corrupted through deceitful desires”. He would then descend into the baptismal pool where he would be washed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,renewed in the spirit of [his] mind”. He would then ascend and be clothed in a white garment to show that he had put on the new self, created in God’s way in righteousness and holiness of truth”. After having been washed in the waters of regeneration, this newly-born Christian would be admitted to the liturgy of the Eucharist where he would finally receive the bread of life.

We too have been washed in the waters of baptism, we too have been admitted to the altar.  Let us live our lives this week in the “holiness of truth” . We do not receive simply the “bread of angels”, but something even greater, “the bread of life”  Himself.

When, through the hand of the priest, you receive the Body of Christ, think not of the priest which you see, but of the Priest you do not see. The priest is the dispenser of this food, not the author. The Son of man gives Himself to us, that we may abide in Him, and He in us – Alcuin


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Sunday Lectionary: Blessed and Broken

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 29th July, 2012

The Readings this week focus on God’s gracious provision and in the First Reading and the Gospel this gracious provision is manifested through bread.

In the First Reading, bread is multiplied by the Prophet Elisha and in the Gospel, bread is multiplied at the hands of Jesus. These Readings teach us trust in God, to proclaim with the psalmist that The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs”. Both of these miracles allude to the Eucharist, pointing towards the time when Jesus will be consumed throughout the world under the appearance of bread and wine.

In our Second Reading St. Paul tells us that Christians are called to be united in one body…one Spirit…one hope…one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father”. This oneness and Church unity finds its clearest expression in the Eucharist. At the Mass, we come together as God’s family, and because though “many, [we are] are one body, for we all share the one loaf” (1 Corinthains 10:17).

As we gather together at the Liturgy this week, let us be mindful that the whole family of God, both in Heaven and on earth, is gathering together with us. United as one, we celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection and are once again fed by the hand of the Lord.

There He is: King of kings and Lord of lords, hidden in the bread. To this extreme He humbled Himself for love of you –St. Josemaria Escriva

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Sunday Lectionary: Travelling Light

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 15th, 2012

In our Lectionary this week we learn about the calling of the Prophet Amos, a regular blue-collar worker who was called by God to be a prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, away from his home in the Kingdom of Judah.

The notion of a “calling” is also found in our Second Reading. St. Paul says In [Christ] we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things”. In our baptism we too have been chosen and sent out as prophets into the world, to preach a life-giving message which is so often received with nothing but hostility.

Finally, in our Gospel Reading, Jesus sends out His Twelve Apostles to preach and to heal, to advance the Kingdom of Heaven.

A man of prayer is capable of everything. Hence it is very important that missioners dedicate themselves to this practice with great affection, because without it they will accomplish little or nothing, whereas through it, more than by letters or persuasive speech, they will be capable of touching hearts and winning souls to their Creator. -St. Vincent de Paul

Our Lord instructs the Apostles to “travel light”, taking only the simplest of supplies and to trust in the providence of God. Good advice for us all…

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Sunday Lectionary: A Prophet Among Us

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 8, 2012

In this week’s Readings we hear about prophethood and about our utter dependence upon the grace of God.

In our First Reading we read about the calling of the  Prophet Ezekiel, how he was strengthened by the Spirit and sent to proclaim an unpopular message to an obstinate people. In the Gospel, Jesus returns to His hometown of Nazareth and is met with suspicion and unbelief.

We are convinced beyond doubt that the truths of faith cannot deceive us; yet we cannot seem to bring ourselves to trust in them. It is easier for us to trust in human reasons and the deceiving appearances of the world. This, precisely, is the reason for our poor progress in virtue and in all that pertains to God’s glory – St. Vincent de Paul

For me though, the Readings which stand out are the Psalm and the Second Reading from St. Paul. The psalm expresses complete reliance upon God. St. Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians expresses a similar theme. Paul, probably the greatest Christian missionary in the history of the Church, knew something about strength and weakness. He knew that, in his weakness, God’s strength was more greatly manifested.

As we prepare ourselves to receive the Eucharist this week, let us come mindful of our weaknesses and therefore also recognize our need of God, thankful that He calls poor, imperfect creatures to be His children and to declare His goodness.

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Sunday Lectionary: Death, where is thy sting?

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 1st, 2012

There are a number of common themes found among the Reading for Mass this week. Death is the subject our First Reading from the Book of Wisdom and it is found again in our Gospel. The theme of Faith in God’s saving power is also present. In our psalm we sing I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me” and in our Gospel Reading we hear of two such individuals who reached out to Jesus in faith and were blessed.

As we come to the Eucharist this week, let us fall at the feet of Jesus, reach out with expectant faith, praying for the Lord to restore us to the fullness of life.

In times of spiritual cooling and laziness, imagine in your heart those past times when you were full of  zeal…remember your past efforts and the energy with which you opposed those who wished to obstruct your progress. These recollections will reawaken your soul from its deep sleep, will invest it anew with the fire of zeal, will raise it, as it were, from the dead and will make it engage in an ardent struggle against the devil and sin, thus returning to its former rank. -St. Isaak of Syria

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Sunday Lectionary: Called, sanctified and sent

Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist: 24th June, 2012

After being fearfully, wonderfully made…knit…in [his] mother’s womb”, we read in this week’s Gospel of how Elizabeth gave birth to a son and how he was named “John”.  It’s a solemnity again! This week we celebrate the birth (“nativity”) of the one who would be the herald of the coming Messiah, John the Baptist:

In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said,

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”

Now John wore a garment of camel’s hair, and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey. Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region about the Jordan, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. – Matthew 3:1-6

As we celebrate Mass this week, let us pray for courage to step out boldly as prophets, to speak truth to our world and to prepare the way of the Lord.

The baptized have become “living stones” to be “built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood.” By Baptism they share in the priesthood of Christ, in his prophetic and royal mission… “[They] must profess before men the faith they have received from God through the Church” and participate in the apostolic and missionary activity of the People of God. – Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraphs 1268 and 1270 

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