
With the beginning of Advent the entire English-speaking part of the Catholic world should now be using the new Roman Missal.

With liturgical form in mind, you often hear Christians arguing about what Sunday worship should look like, generally falling into “Traditional” or “Contemporary” camps. Even within Catholicism you find people with very definite views as to what the Mass should look like, some a little more “interesting” than others… :-/

(The above puppet video is kinda barmy. All I’ll ask is this: how many young people do you see here?)

Saint of 9/11

Have you ever heard of Fr. Mychal Judge? I hadn’t until I watched “The Saint of 9/11” on Hulu. He was a Franciscan Priest who died with those at the Twin Towers. Click on the image below to watch the documentary in Hulu (US Only).

Bigger than Bob

I recently started to take a little bit more interest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This concerns itself with ensuring that when someone uses a search engine to look for something, if your site is at all relevant to the search, it will appear as close to the top of the search results as possible.

It was only after I decided to call my blog “Restless Pilgrim” that I found out that it’s also the name of a Bob Dylan biography. Well, today I’m pleased to announce that I’m bigger than Bob Dylan!

Okay, now to get that #1 spot…

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