TOT: Getting Right With God

This month’s theology on Tap was brought to a close by Deacon Ray Arnold with his talk entitled “Getting right with God: Making the most of your Lent”. The talk, the Q&A session and the audience response are all available for download below.

Main Talk (Download)

Q&A (Download)

Response (Download)

I had my last meeting for the Young Adult Commission recently – we’ve got some more great talks lined up for the next Theology On Tap!

Going Into the desert…

Today is Ash Wednesday and it marks the beginning of Lent in the Church’s liturgical year, a time of prayer, fasting and alms giving.  In the Blogosphere, you’ll also hear a lot of talk about the 1-1-1 Plan.

I’ve decided to take a bit of a break from publishing anything of my own for the next forty days (with just a few exceptions). Instead of regular blog entries, I have scheduled my favourite quotations from one of the most recent books I’ve finished, Sayings of the Desert Fathers.

Ash Wednesday

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TOT: Communicating the Gospel

Dr. Christine WoodOn 4th February at Cafe Coyote in Old Town, Dr. Christine Wood gave the following Theology On Tap talk:

God has Spoken, he has truly broken the great SILENCE:
Communicating the Gospel to Others!

Dr. Wood is originally from Sydney Australia, but teaches at John Paul The Great Catholic University here in America’s favourite city, San Diego in California.

(I wonder if she gets confused for being English as often as I get confused for being an Australian…hmmm…maybe I’ll ask her that next time during the Q&A session….)

Here in San Diego Diocese we make the audio of our Theology on Tap sessions freely available and you may download Dr. Wood’s talk from the links below:

Main Talk (Download)

Q&A (Download)


(Oh, and well done to Kevin for getting a mention for the JP2 Group during the Q&A!)

Ratzinger Reaction

A lot of my non-Catholic friends have been asking me about the recent news from the Vatican. During our discussions I’ve often mentioned Cardinal Ratzinger’s reaction to becoming Pope. If you haven’t read it already, I’d invite you to go and read Joe’s article over at Shameless Popery:


He also wrote a post describing the different reactions of Pope Pius IX, Pius VIII, Pius X, Benedict XV, John Paul II and Clement XIV.

Christian Unity and Pro-Life

Last month was the anniversary of Roe v Wade, the landmark abortion legislation here in the United States. In response to this, there were various pro-life events such as the March for Life in Washington DC and the Walk for Life in San Francisco.


I was over the moon to find out that there was a special event being organized here in San Diego‘s Balboa Park. The turnout was quite good, approximately 3,000 people attended and many organizations were represented.

I remember thinking how nice it was to be back around non-Catholic Christians again. In England I had a lot of contact with Christians of other denominations, both from attending non-Catholic services and from various ecumenical activities. But what with one thing and another, this hasn’t happened so much since I moved to the United States, my religious social circle being made up almost exclusively of Catholics. It was therefore really wonderful to see Christians of different denominations coming together on a Saturday morning to bear witness to the sanctity of human life.

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