The Cause of My Joy

Today I also wanted to share post from a blog I link to often, Neal Obstat. All of his articles are great, but this one is particularly wonderful. In it he shares a poem he wrote for his wife on their wedding anniversary. Here’s the first verse:

Deathless Love
My love for you, my Bride, is deathless
for death would mean that we must part,
but even waters our love cannot quench,
nor the grave cleave our God-knit heart.

Beautiful, right? If you’d like to read the rest of his poem (and why wouldn’t you?!), click on the image below:

The Cause of My Joy

The Born-Again Identity

Father's Love

Our identity lies in he fact we are loved… Our sense of self-worth is to be based on the understanding that God considers that we are worthy…  that’s why it’s important to know what we believe because we just may need to cling to it when the winds of change start to blow

– The Divine Embrace.

Story Time!

While I was in Washington DC for the March For Life last year, I was invited to a party. Honestly, this English accent of mine gets me in everywhere… 🙂

Anyway, each guest was asked to come prepared with a relatively unknown Saint story to share with the everyone else. Clearly this party was organized by my kind of Catholic nerd! Naturally, I told the story of this blog’s patron, St. Drogo.

However, I also came prepared with another story, not about a Saint, but about a Saint’s brother. Since it was recently the ordination anniversary of my former Pastor, Fr. Robert, I thought it would be appropriate to share that story today.


Many of you might have heard of St Jerome. He was a great biblical scholar of the Early Church and he was the one who produced the Vulgate, the official translation into Latin of the original Biblical texts. This story is about Jerome’s younger brother Paulinian, sometimes known as Paulinanus.

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Music Monday Bonus: The Love Doctor

Today’s Music Monday has a bonus track! My friend Vanida wrote “a little song about a Whovian girl who likes a Whovian guy”. If you don’t know what a “Whovian” is, well, this post is not for you…

I suggested that, for her next song, she should write one based on the Firefly series called “An Ode to Mal: Content”  🙂

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