Fr. Altman
Fr. Altman has been in the news a lot recently. Many people are sympathetic to Fr. Altman’s zeal, but nevertheless raise some important questions, such as Steve Skojec. Anyway, since I’ll soon be moving to Wisconsin, I thought I’d compile the information about his case which I’ve come across…
1. This article from The Pillar contain the main details.
2. His claims about racism and lynching:
3. An image and commentary found in a March bulletin from Fr. Altman’s parish:

4. This interview where he makes a number of comments about men and women, as well as why women can’t preach (01:36):
5. This graphic which was posted on Patrick Coffin’s Facebook Page:

6. His comments about Church authority and infallibility are found in this article:
Many have jumped on the injection bandwagon, daring to call it our moral duty to take the experimental injection. Dear family, their statement, from the Bishop of Rome on down, is not infallible. No, as we learned in seminary, in the last two thousand years, depending on who’s doing the counting, infallible statements have been made maybe four to seven times – that’s it. Anything else? An Opinion.
Fr. Altman
7. He has been made many appearances where he has offered open criticism to a variety of targets.
The initial ones were produced by Alpha News:
He has also appeared on Church Militant a couple of times:
8. In response to his appearance on Taylor Marshall’s show where he called his bishop a “Nazi” and “Tyrant”, Michael O’Loughlin offered some commentary over the way we speak about our leaders:
As usual, Michael Lofton from Reason and Theology has excellent, balanced material on this sort of thing: