Summary of salvation History

I’m sure many of you out there are following along with Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible-in-a-year podcast.

One of the things which I’ve learnt from reading The Silmarillion this year (the Old Testament of Middle Earth!) is that it’s really helpful to periodically review the story so far and to remind yourself how you got here.

With this in mind, I’d like to direct you to some recent episodes from my friend Richaél from the Clumsy Theosis podcast who is currently working through the story of Salvation History at a high level, covering in five episodes the material covered in the last fifty episodes of Fr. Mike’s podcast…

The Bible, Salvation History, Adam, + Being a Child of God (Part 1)

The Bible, Salvation History, Adam, + Being a Child of God (Part 2)

Noah, Covenants Vs. Contracts, and a God of Second Chances

Abraham: The Promise of a Great Nation, Great Name, and Worldwide Blessing

Moses, Idolatry, and Interior Slavery

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