PWJ: S4E39 – AH – “After Hours” with Fr. Dwight Longenecker

Since Lent has just begun, we invited Fr. Dwight Longenecker to talk about his Screwtape-inspired Lenten books, The Gargoyle Code and Slubgrip Instructs.
S4E39: “After Hours” with Fr. Dwight Longernecker (Download)
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00:00 – Entering “The Eagle & Child”…
00:11 – Welcome
00:48 – Fr. Dwight Longenecker
01:49 – Quote-of-the-week
02:43 – Drink-of-the-week
03:16 – Discussion
25:43 – “Last Call” Bell and Closing Thoughts
YouTube Version
After Show Skype Session
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Show Notes
Biographical Information
Fr. Dwight Longenecker was brought up in an Evangelical home in Pennsylvania. After graduating from the Bob Jones University with a degree in Speech and English, he went to study theology at Oxford University. Eventually he was ordained as an Anglican priest and served as a curate, a school chaplain in Cambridge and a country parson on the Isle of Wight. In 1995 he and his family were received into the Catholic Church. They continued to live in England for ten years where he worked as a freelance writer and charity worker. In 2006 the door opened to return to the USA and be ordained as a Catholic priest. He now serves as Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenville, South Carolina. He is the author of many books, including the fantastically titled, Immortal Combat: Confronting the Heart of Darkness, but today we’re going to be focussing on two others: The Gargoyle Code and Slubgrip Instructs
Biographical information for Fr. Dwight Longenecker
For of course [my book’s] purpose was not to speculate about diabolical life but to throw light from a new angle on the life of men
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters (1961 Preface)
- The drink-of-the-week was PG Tips
Patreon Toast
- We had no new patron to toast on this episode.
- Fr. Dwight shared his religious background and discovery of C.S. Lewis and The Screwtape Letters.
Screwtape and Imitations
- I asked Fr. Dwight whether or not he was nervous about mimicking a book so well-loved as The Screwtape Letters.
The Gargoyle Code
- We discussed the first of Fr. Dwighters Screwtape-inspired books, The Gargoyle Code.
- Fr. Dwight explained the contents of the book and the ideas he explores.
- I asked about how he came up with the names of his demons, since readers were very interested how Lewis came up with his. I explained how I came up with the name for my own demon in my own attempts at mimicking Screwtape.
Slubgrip Instructs
- We moved to Slubgrip Instructs. Fr Dwight explained the themes explored in this book.
- Lewis said that although he found writing Screwtape straightforward, that he didn’t enjoy it and that it gave him a spiritual cramp, so I asked Fr. Dwight if that was his experience as well
Lent and Wrap-up
- We ended by talking about Lent and the sort of material we can read during that time.
- I mentioned some of Fr. Dwight’s books which I’d like to read in the future.