PWJ: S4E23 – Bonus – “Home by another way”

The gang get together to look back over 2020, celebrate the coming of Epiphany, and look ahead to a new year of podcasting!
S4E23: “Home by another way” (Download)
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00:00:00 – Entering “The Eagle & Child”…
00:00:13 – Welcome
00:03:00 – Happy birthday Andrew!
00:04:44 – The dumpster fire of 2020
00:07:02 – Quote-of-the-week
00:07:50 – Song-of-the-week
00:11:15 – Drink-of-the-week
00:14:25 – Toast
00:16:34 – Looking back at 2020
00:42:30 – Listener feedback
00:52:53 – A very Lazo Christmas
00:59:10 – Looking ahead to 2021
01:03:54 – Book for Season 5
01:06:06 – The rest of Season 4
01:08:34 – The “Last Call” Bell
01:09:13 – Andrew’s closing thought…
YouTube Version
The YouTube version of today’s episode:
After Show Skype Session
Show Notes
Opening Chit-Chat
- Some of you might be wondering whether you missed an episode. If you look in your podcast app, you’ll see Episode 21 and Episode 23, but no Episode 22…. This isn’t an error! As Matt mentioned in Episode 21, we were putting together a special episode, a Christmas present for our Patreon supporters. That was Episode 22. In that episode we each read a small portion of a Lewis work and then spoke about why it’s important to us. So, if you’d like to know what we said, support us on Patreon!
- Like our Christmas special, this is also a special episode. We’re not going to be reading any Lewis book (although I’m sure he’ll come up). We’re going to be doing a special episode to mark the New Year and our transition from the dumpster fire which was 2020 to the year of promise which is 2021…
- Although it’s a special episode, we’ve still got our standard episode segments, but today we’re going to mix up the order a little. Our quote-of-the-week comes from the Gospel of Matthew…
When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.
Matthew 2:10-12
- The song-of-the-week is Home by another way by James Taylor.
In the song James Taylor sings about how, after meeting the Christ child, the Wise Men go home, but go home another way, teasing out from the literal sense of Scripture (that they took a different route home to avoid King Herod) the moral sense (that encountering Jesus should result in a new way of living). Here are some of the lyrics:
Those magic men the Magi
James Taylor, Home by another way
Some people call them wise
Or Oriental, even kings
Well anyway, those guys
They visited with Jesus
They sure enjoyed their stay
Then warned in a dream of King Herod’s scheme
They went home by another way
Yes they went home by another way
Home by another way
Maybe me and you can be wise guys too
And go home by another way
- Drink your favourite beverage!
Patreon Toast
- Andrew toasted Walter Hooper.
2020 Retrospective
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Reviews and messages
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Andrew’s Christmas traditions
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Looking forward to 2021
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