The List…

So several years ago, after my return from Seattle to San Diego, I sat down and thought about what I was looking for in a wife.
Today I get married.
Here’s the list…
- Compassionate. Endeavours to welcome newcomers. Takes an interest in the lives of others – asks questions. Has a heart that breaks for other people.
- Thoughtful. Actively looks for ways to bless others.
- Servant-hearted. The sort of person who will see something which needs doing and will just get to work. Has initiative.
- Laughs easily. Doesn’t take herself too seriously. Can look on the bright side of things.
- Generous with her time and resources.
- Knows when it’s time for complaining to come to an end and it’s time to tough it out.
- Independent. Has own thoughts, ideas and goals.
- Self-forgetful. Her first thought will not be “How will this affect me?” Doesn’t talk about herself all the time.
- Supportive and actively encourages others.
- Passionate about stuff.
- Loves music. Would loudly sing along to the car radio and not care if she looked crazy.
- Has good, solid, stable friendships with other females.
- Loves books. Would think that a Sunday on the couch reading together would be a day well spent.
- Gentle in speech. Thinks carefully about how her words come across. Doesn’t swear. Doesn’t gossip.
- Likes the simple things in life. Doesn’t need lots of make-up, jewellery, expensive dinners or costly entertainment in order to be happy.
- Up for an adventure or doing something new.
- A bit of a nerd.
Mission Accomplished.
Wow! The powerful thoughts.. sevens years later ( number of perfection ) & it’s a reality. That’s inspiring! Well done top bloke!