Want to Help the Elderly?

Last week I received an email from Beverly from StandupForCaregivers.org asking if I would share some information about helping the elderly, particularly during this time. Here’s what she sent me…

Want to Help the Elderly? How the Church Can Learn About Their Daily Challenges and Take Action
The church has a long history of helping the elderly. As times change, however, we must stay on our toes and always be willing to learn new ways to help the seniors in our communities. This is especially true for the elderly who do not have relatives or friends nearby to help them navigate the challenges of daily life. The first step we should take is to learn about some of the difficulties they face. Then, we need to take that knowledge and actively engage in the caregiving village.
If you’re part of a local church, these resources might prove useful to you as you set out to help improve the lives of seniors in your area:
Common Challenges
Many seniors face a variety of physical, mental, and emotional challenges on a daily basis.
Connecting with the Church
Whether or not a senior is a Christian, you can offer to connect them with a local church community or another type of organization that holds social events and meetings.
- Why Is Church Extra Important For Elderly Members?
- Why Social Connection Is Important for Seniors
- A Surprising Way Seniors Can Get Healthier: Community Involvement
Helping Them Around the House
One practical way to help seniors in your community is to ask them if there is anything you can do to help make their home safer, more comfortable, and more accessible.
- The Most Common In-Home Injuries for Seniors and How to Prevent Them
- Tips to Declutter and Organize Your Home for Seniors and Individuals with Special Needs
Even the smallest of gestures can mean the world to a senior who needs assistance. Continue to learn about the challenges that many elderly people encounter each day, and use your knowledge to help the seniors in your community who need it most.