Friday Frivolity: Baby Yoda

"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
Here’s a really interesting film about presuppositional apologetics. I’m not a fan, but it made for interesting watching:
Here’s Jimmy Akin explaining the pro’s and con’s of this kind of approach:
…and here’s Dr. Richard Howe doing the same:
“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”
Will Rogers
Matt and I have finally launched a Patreon account! If you want to financially support the podcast, we’ll send you swag! In this episode, we outline the different tiers available and interview Nick, our audio engineer…
S3E10: “Patreon Launch” (Download)
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Read moreI stand upon the solid
Rock of faith in Christ
This steadfast hope shall not
Break apart within the trial
I am assured His promises will never fail
As long as life remains He is faithful
God is patient
God is kind
He does not envy
He does not boast
His ways are higher than my own, His thoughts consume the great unknown
Of this alone I am sure
My God is love
I draw my breath under His created windswept sky
I know my hope shall last
Long after my flesh retires
From dusk until the dawn He calls His children home
His righteous love outlasts generations
He is Almighty God Elohim
Maker of the earth, He is the Lord of hosts, Heaven’s King
God of endless worth, His kingdom stands above Every power
Every living soul, His love is like the sun
Ever true, shining over allHe is Almighty God Elohim
Maker of the earth, He is the Lord of hosts, Heaven’s King
God of endless worth, His kingdom stands above Every power
Every living soul, His love is like the sun
Ever true, shining over all
So a while back, an acquaintance tagged me in the comments of this Facebook post:
I was really at a loss as to why he’d think this is genius, but the more confusing response comes from tereziinateacup…
If you believe that God created all time, space and matter out of NOTHING (Latin: “ex nihilo”), why would you be confused as to how God could create a single little Y chromosome?