PWJ: S2E32 – Bonus – Season Finale

It’s been a while since Matt and I got behind a microphone together. Today we bring you up-to-speed with what’s been happening in our lives. We had intended to also read some listener messages, but we ran out of time. We’ll do that in the next episode!
S2E32: “Season Finale” (Download)
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Time Stamps
01:21 – Drink and quote of the week
05:12 – The Ordered Liberty podcast
06:33 – Why we drink “on air”
11:17 – Taylor Swift
12:04 – Matt has moved to Michigan
15:18 – Preparation for “Till We Have Faces”
16:14 – Lord of the Rings update
17:20 – Free “Hallow” trial
19:30 – “The Beautiful Depths” podcast
21:17 – Recent interviews
24:07 – Losing my job
30:05 – Book winner
33:52 – G.K. Chesterton competition reminder
Show Notes
• Drink-of-the-week was mixed. Matt was drinking Aberfeldy (12 year) and I was drinking “Layer Cake” Cabernet Sauvignon.
• Quote-of-the-week:
“My happiest hours are spent with three or four old friends in old clothes… sitting up till the small hours… talking nonsense, poetry, theology, [pause] metaphysics over beer, tea, and pipes. There’s no sound I like better than adult male laughter.”
Autobiographic blurb for Macmillan (publisher)
• We chatted about catching up with long-lost friends.
• Matt spoke about being present at a recording of the Ordered Liberty podcast and their simple microphone setup. I commented that I recently came across a kickstarter for a microphone which you can sync with your iPhone.
• I explained why we drink on air, quoting an episode of The Catholic Man Show where Adam and Dave explain why they drink on their podcast:
“We [drink on air] to highlight, ultimately, the virtue of moderation and temperance. These are important virtues for today’s age because it is a day of instant self-gratification. In days past, there were natural barriers between you and your appetites. Things were not readily available anytime. You could not get same-day delivery from Amazon[…] You did not have central heating and air. Things were not always there when you wanted them[…] There was discomfort. Today we have all things, all the time, whenever we want them and, as such, our self-regulating capacity has diminished. We must learn to regulate. We must learn to moderate ourselves,[…] strengthen the moderation muscle. So that’s why temperance is important. That’s why learning to drink moderately is important, with the right company, at the right time, in the right way, with the right beverage. And if you can do those things, it will augment your experience with the people you’re with, with the drink you’re enjoying, with the time you’re spending. And that’s why we do it, because we want to promote authentic leisure, we want to promote the good life, the virtuous life. And virtue isn’t just a ‘shutting off’ of everything… We’re teetotallers…if we were, then we have a big problem with Jesus and His first miracle…”
The Catholic Man Show, Episode “Auxilium Christianorum”
• Matt announced that he’s moved back to Michigan. He also brought us up-to-date on what he’s been reading recently – he’s just got one more book to go in The Lord of the Rings.
• Matt encouraged the listeners to download the Hallow app. Our listeners can use the promo code PINTSWITHJACK to try it out free for a month.
• The Beautiful Depths blog has now launched a podcast.
• I spoke about some of the recent guests we’ve had on the podcast, as well as the interviews where I have been invited onto other podcasts.
• I explained how I lost my job, but how I now have a job at Evernote. Many of these interview processes require a considerable investment in time and this got us talking about the Sunk Cost Fallacy in life and faith.
• We announced the winner of the Peter Kreeft book, Symbol of Substance, as user “Muggins211”:
This is an awesomely stellar podcast that I love to listen to on long bike rides. It makes time fly by because these two likable gents make you feel like you’re just a buddy sitting next to them enjoying a beverage and chewing the cud over our favorite subject. Further up and further in, gentlemen! Cheers!
iTunes review by Muggins211
If Muggins211 sends us a message @pintswithjack or through the website we will post the book!
• I reminded the listeners that there is still a chance to win the G.K. Chesterton book Knight of the Holy Ghost, simply by posting a Chesterton quotation on social media and tagging us.