Peaceful Sleep

I’ve written before on the subject of my insomnia, but the other day I came across a post on Aleteia by Elizabeth Scalia which I thought I should share. It’s a prayer to pray before falling asleep:
My dear God in heaven, O Creator, O One who loved me into being…
Now that the voices are silenced and the crowded world of projects and overwhelming noise is hushed, here, at my bed, I seek your consolation.
My spirit roots for you, as an infant seeks out the breast, seeks you as a child seeks the succor and embrace of a father —
the parent who will whisper, “Shh, I am with you,” and bring solace to the soul with an unconditional love.
I believe in your love, and I hope in you, and I pray you will grace me with the gift of faith, unfailing, the gift of wisdom, beyond my instincts, the gift of trust, which is so hard.
I give glory and thanks to you for this day as it ends, and beg that you will give me eyes to see that in all things, you have been with me: in what was difficult, and what was easy, in what was anxious and what was peaceful.
In those times I sought you out, or forgot to, You were with me, still, and I thank you.
Today, I failed in love; you know this. I beg you to forgive me.
Today, I lost my temper; you know this. I beg you to forgive me.
Today, I was selfish; you know this. I beg you to forgive me.
Today, I felt desolate, unsure, and afraid; I beg you to reach me, and to teach me again that you love me, and are near.
That you are, O God, the safest of safe places, the wayside resting place, where I may catch my breath, and seek you out, before going on.
Before I rest tonight, I must thank you for your love, beg your pardon for my failings, and your shelter from my interior storms.
O my Lord, at this moment, all is calm, and sleep beckons me.
It is your world! I place all of my concerns into your hands, and all of my fears into your Sacred Heart, the Self-immolating gift that is never consumed.
I believe in you.
Although I cannot understand all that is before me, I know all things work toward the purposes of your mysterious plans for my own good. And I trust in this.
And I beg for the gift and grace to trust you even further, day by day.
I ask this in the name of Christ Jesus, seeking the prayers of Mary, his Mother, and of my guardian angel and patron saint (Name).
I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:9)