Music Monday: On Eagle’s Wings

Okay, I know a lot of people hate this song (personally, I don’t have that kind of animus), but here is probably my favourite rendition of it:
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord
who abide in his shadow for life
say to the Lord, “my refuge my Rock in Whom I trust”
And He will raise you up on eagles wings
bare you on the breath of dawn
make you to shine like the sun
and hold you in the palm
of His hand
The snare of the fouler will never capture you
and famine will bring you no fear
under His wings your refuge
His faithfulness your shield
You need not fear the terror of the night
nor the arrow that flies by day
though thousands fall about you
near you it shall not come
When I was younger and in the Roman Rite, I was a guitarist in my parish’s folk group. I remember playing this many times, and still have a fondness for it. So I’m right with you there, David.