TOT: Christina Barba on “Truth”

April 11th 2018: Christina Barba @ Mission San Diego
About the speaker: Proclaiming the dignity of human life has been a lifelong passion for Cristina. Since her early childhood, she has been involved in the pro-life movement with her family at events such as prayer vigils, life chains, and much more. While attending The Pennsylvania State University, she served as president of Penn State Students for Life organization, leading the efforts to build the culture of life on campus. Upon graduation, Cristina attended the Emmanuel School of Mission in Rome, Italy, a mission organization sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Laity. She has spent the last decade in full time mission in the pro-life, chastity and new evangelization world.
In July of 2014, Cristina founded The Culture Project International. Her vision was to restore culture through the experience of virtue. Since its inception, The Culture Project has provided a mission program to more than 50 missionaries who have served 45 dioceses and invited over 100,000 students to reclaim sexual integrity and the meaning of life, thereby inviting our culture to be fully alive.
Cristina received Honorable Mention by Our Sunday Visitor as one of the Inspiring Catholics of 2012. In 2016, she was one of the recipients of the Students for Life of America, Defender of Life Award.
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