TOT: Catching Foxes on “Goodness”

April 4th, 2018: Catching Foxes @ Mission San Diego
About the speaker: Luke and Gomer started a podcast to fulfill their obligation as American men in their thirties that work in ministry. Their show, Catching Foxes, oscillates between a conversation about the intersection of faith and culture and interviews with guests that deserve better. Catching Foxes has almost five million downloads. It doesn’t make sense to Luke or Gomer either.
When he’s not woodworking or watching YouTube videos on woodworking, Gomer lives in Houston, TX with his wife Shannon and four kids. When he’s not lamenting the USMNT failure of Oct. 10, 2017, Luke lives in Cincinnati, OH with his wife Erin. To learn more about Catching Foxes, Google it like an adult, or visit or follow them on Twitter.
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