Music Monday: Wildfire

Here’s the title track from the new John Finch album, Wildfire:

You are my hearts one desire
Cleanse my soul with Your fire
You make me anew
You make me anew

You are a flame alive in me
Within my heart burning deep
You shine through the dark
You shine through the dark

It’s burning, burning, burning
Spreading wild and free
It’s burning burning, burning
Like a wildfire in me, like a wildfire in me

As an ember fades away
My soul gets tired, I need Your grace
You give me life
You give me life

Oh so beautiful
Your love consumes me
It’s unstoppable
Oh so powerful
Your love consumes me

TOT: What does it mean to be a restless pilgrim?

Our three-part “Theology On Tap” series came to a conclusion tonight. The Associate Young Adult Director, Pamela Poe, had tasked me to give a talk which answered the question “What does it mean to be a restless pilgrim?”. In this presentation, I recount the story of my own faith journey, I describe the story of Salvation History as a pilgrimage, and I explain why we’re all restless pilgrims…

“What does it mean to be a restless pilgrim?” (Download)

“Q&A” (Download)

If you would like to hear audio from other San Diego “Theology On Tap” sessions, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunesGoogle Play or manually via the RSS feed.

— Questions —

• “What’s the next journey you have in mind?” (Winner of the box of fine tea)

• “How long were you on the Camino before you started to regret it?!”

• “Do people really die on the Camino?!”

• “Before you reverted, what did you believe about the Eucharist?”

• “How did your Protestant friends explain John 6, where Jesus speaks about eating and drinking his Body and Blood?”

• “Does the restlessness ever come to an end? Should we ever be able to settle?”

• “What is the Byzantine Church?”

• “What is the difference between an English and an Australian accent?”

Register for free one-day young adult retreat in San Diego!

Registration is now open for the “Restless” Retreat. This is a free, one day retreat at St. Catherine Laboure on Saturday, April 14th:

The theme of the retreat is being taken from St. Augustine’s famous line, “You made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts will wander restless until we rest in you”. I swear I did not pick the retreat theme… 🙂

We will have speakers including Jamie Cleaton and Timmerie Millington.

Lunch will be provided. Did I mention this was free?

Wise Words on Wednesday: To love is to be vulnerable


“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”

– C.S Lewis, The Four Loves

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