Month: November 2017
Wise Words on Wednesday: Feeling guilty about anxieties
“Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith. I don’t agree at all. They are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the Passion of Christ”
― C.S. Lewis, Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
The Sea Within
I’ve recently made an effort to get back into the water and go surfing each week. It is, after all, one of the perks of living somewhere like San Diego, bruh….
Last week, while I was sitting on my board waiting for the next round of waves, I was chatting (as you do) about philosophy and, in particular, one of my favourite people in the world, Dr. Peter Kreeft. I’m sure that many of you reading this post have heard of Dr. Kreeft. However, I would imagine that a good number of you were unaware that Dr. Kreeft loves surfing…
If you’d like more material like this, then I’d definitely recommend listening to his lecture on The Sea.
Music Monday: Love will heal
Today is another song from PJ Anderson, a song which was performed at the March For Life in Washington DC last year:
Who knew there’d be a day
Where we’d have to fight for this
To be the voice of righteousness
To speak for those unheard
For all our beating hearts
Began in the same love
No one should take away from us
The simple right to live
Hear our voice
We are one
We will fight until we’ve won
Love will heal every heart
We will fight until we’ve won
Until we’ve won
Our history is burdened by all the violence
The hatred and defiance of
The love for which we’re made
But we are here to be the ears for the broken
The voice for those unspoken
The future can be peace
Only love can change hearts
Let your peace be the spark
PWJ: S1E10 – MC B2C2 – “The Shocking Alternative”

Does the presence of evil in the world mean that God wills it? This and several other very important questions will be tackled by C.S. Lewis in today’s episode. Jack looks at humanity’s attempt to be happy with “something other than God”, as well as God’s initiatives to call mankind back to Himself.
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Episode 10: “The Shocking Alternative” (Download)
Audio PlayerDiscounts on all indulgences!
This year, once again, we can expect the Catholic Church to offer significant discounts on all indulgences between Black Friday and Cyber Monday:
This is, of course, satire, but if you’re interested in learning about the authentic Catholic teaching concerning indulgences, I’d encourage you to listen to the latest episode of The Art of Catholic, where Matt Leonard speaks with Mary Moorman on this subject.
Friday Frivolity: If Solomon had been a Millennial
Millennials are the worst, right? Well, the other week I came across this fantastic article which presents the kind of proverbs King Solomon may have written if he was a Millennial:
Train up a child in either Apple or Android;
and even when they are old they will not depart from it.
A wise man reads an article before commenting;
a foolish man forms his opinion based on the preview title.
For more, please click on the image below: