PWJ: S1E4 – MC B1C2 – “Some Objections”

In today’s episode, we look at Chapter 2 of “Mere Christianity” which is entitled “Some Objections”. In this chapter, C.S. Lewis responds to some issues raised by listeners in response to his assertion that there is this Moral Law.

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Episode 4: “Some Objections” (Download)

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— Show Notes —

* My outline and notes for the Chapter 2 are available here.

* This week, Matt and I were drinking Heineken.

* In this chapter, Jack responds to three objections:

(1) The “Moral Law” is just herd instinct.

(2) The “Moral Law” is simply social convention which we are taught.

(3) The “Moral Law” has clearly changed – we used to kill witches!

* Matt mentions The Great Divorce, which is another book written by Lewis. It’s a fictional account of a dead man journeying into Heaven.

* When speaking about love, Matt gave a quotation from the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, one of the first great American television evangelists. I followed up with a quotation from St. Thomas Aquinas, the prolific 13th Century philosopher and theologian.

* After further thought, I think the example I gave about the morality of eating cows wasn’t originally mine. I think I heard it on the Mere Christianity Podcast.

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