Help! What should we call this?

HELP PLEASE! My friend Nessa and I are starting a podcast, but we need help with the name…
We’ve been meeting up for the past few weeks to record some prototype episodes. Each one has been 15-30 minutes long and topics have been pretty broad-ranging:
- “Worship in the Early Church”
- “Dating non-Catholics”
- “Getting more out of the Mass”
- “13 Reasons Why”
- “Getting to grips with the Old Testament”
- “An introduction to Confession”
…what should we call the podcast?
Hi. Are you familiar with the extremely popular NPR podcast called “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me”?
What about calling yours Wait, Wait, Tell Me!
You would probably get a lot of people stumbling upon your podcast since they typically Google “Wait, Wait podcast” and they leave off typing in “Don’t Tell Me” since it is to many words to type.
I am, but the list of potential names has now been shortened to:
“Restless Heart”
“Emmaus Road”
“SoCal SoCatholic”