Music Monday: Come On Home

Come On Home by Brady Troops:

Verse 1:
Haven’t seen you ’round here for awhile
I mentioned your name and I saw him smile
Sittin’ on the front porch waiting x2
Every little one to him belongs
You might be weak but he is strong
Sittin’ on the front porch waiting x2

So come on home, come on home
Though you left, He couldn’t forget
Just just come on home

Verse 2:
Love and pain you’ve known to well
Been backed right down to the gates of hell
Sittin’ on the front porch waiting x2
But mercy’s reach is within your grasp
You’ll find it where you found it last
Sittin’ on the front porch waiting x2

Can you see his eyes, they search for you
Can you feel his cries, they long for you
They long for you, They long for you

The Best Pro-Life Apologetics Book

Across the dinner table a few months ago, we were discussing the subject of books and what we each thought were the “Must Read” books for adult Catholics. Today I would like to say a few words about a book which I think is the number one book on the subject of pro-life apologetics, “Persuasive Pro-Life” by Trent Horn from Catholic Answers.

I had originally intended to take some time to write a longer review, but since you can currently pick up a copy for $5 or download the eBook for free, it seemed wise to write a shorter review and have it published before the sale comes to an end:


The first thing which should be highlighted is that, although this book is published by Catholic Answers, none of the arguments outlined in the book are based on the Bible or even the existence of God. All arguments are based on easy-to-understand science and clear logic. Even if you are a pro-life atheist/agnostic, you will find this book extremely useful.

Typically, if I like a book, it’ll be in large part because of the way it is organized. This book is no exception. Trent assigns a separate chapter in his book to each pro-choice archetype. These archetypes include:

The Tolerant who personally don’t like abortion, but believe other people should be able to choose it.

The Skeptic who deny that anyone can know when life begins.

The Disqualifier who claim that unborn children do not have a right to life because the unborn are different from born humans.

The Autonomist, for whom it does not matter whether or not the fetus is a human being, because a woman has a right to bodily autonomy.

In each chapter, Trent addresses the essential arguments used by each archetype. He then goes on to explain the faulty science, incorrect assumptions or poor logic which are at work. The chapter then concludes with a (somewhat) imaginary dialogue between Trent and a pro-choice advocate. I particularly liked this feature since this shows how to apply practically what you have learned in that chapter. Not only that, it demonstrates how one can engage in pro-life apologetics in a respectful, productive and persuasive manner.

What other pro-life books would you recommend? Who else is going to the Walk For Life this weekend?

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