Qur’an Cover-to-Cover: Day 22 (“Cattle”)

Today’s chapter is a long one…one hundred and sixty-five verses…here we go…
Surah 6 – “Cattle” (Al-Anaam)
We begin with statements about Allah: how he created mankind, the heavens and the earth and how he knows all things.
Next we hear from Muhammad’s critics:
- Some appear to have asked for Allah to send down a written scripture that they can touch (rather than simply a recitation from the mouth of a prophet). However, we are told that the critics would just dismiss it as magic.
- Some demand an angel alongside Muhammad. We are told that, if this happened, the disbelievers would just be destroyed immediately, allowing them no chance for repentance.
- Some questioned why the messenger of the Qur’an couldn’t have been an angel. In reply, we are told that if this had happened, Allah would have made the angel appear as a man, and this would have confused them and filled them with doubt.