Divine Liturgy Bible Crib
One of my great discoveries upon engaging with the Catholic faith was that the Liturgy was saturated with Scripture. In my exploration of the eastern liturgies of the Church, I’ve found this to be no less true.
Below is a summary of the Scriptural allusions of the Liturgy which was compiled by V. Rev. John J. Matusiak from St. Joseph Russian Orthodox Church, OCA in Wheaton, IL.
Opening Doxology (“Blessed in the Kingdom…”)
Mark: 11:10; Luke: 22:29-30, Matthew: 28:19; Revelation: 7:12.
The Great Litany
Philippians: 4:6-7; Psalm 51:1 Luke: 18:13; John: 14:27; 1 Timothy: 2:1-2; Hebrews: 13:7; Psalm 109:26; Luke: 1:42.
The First Antiphon (“Bless the Lord, O my soul…”)
Selected verses from Psalm 103.
The Second Antiphon (“Praise the Lord, O my soul”)
Psalm 103.
The Hymn to Christ Incarnate (“Only-begotten Son…”)
John: 1:1, 3:16, 17:5, 19:18; Luke: 1:35; Hebrews: 2:14; Matthew: 8:25.
The Third Antiphon – (“Blessed are the poor in spirit…”)
Matthew: 5:3-12.
The Little Entrance (“Come let us worship…”)
Psalm 95:1-6; Revelation: 7:11-12.
The Trisagion (“Holy God, Holy Mighty…”)
Isaiah: 6:1-5; Revelation: 8:8.
Psalms 12:7,1; 28:9,1; 29:11,1; 33:22,1; 47:6,1; 76:11,1; 104:24,1; 118:14,18.
The Epistle
Teadings change daily, from the Epistles or Acts of the Apostles.
The Allelulia
Psalms 113:1; 135:1; 146:1; Revelation: 19: 1-6.
The Gospel
Readings change daily. The Sermon – 1 Timothy: 4:13.
The Cherubic Hymn (“Let us who mystically…”)
Colossians: 3:12; Pslam 24; Revelations: 19:1-6.
The Great Entrance
Psalm 43:4; Matthew: 5: 23-24; Hebrews: 5:1.
The Peace (“Peace be unto all…”)
John: 20: 9,21,26. 1 John 4:7; 1 Peter: 3:8; Philippians:2-2.
The Eucharistic Canon (“Let us stand aright…”)
Leviticus: 3:1; Hebrews: 13:14-15; Hosea: 6:6; Psalm 49:19; Matthew: 9:13; Corinthians: 13:14; 2 Timothy: 4:22; Lamentations: 3:41.
The Eucharistic Prayer (“Holy, Holy, Holy…”)
Isaiah: 6:3; Mark: 11:10; Matthew: 21:9; Corinthians: 11:23-24; Matthew: 26:26-28; John: 6:51; Luke: 22:20; Mark: 14: 23-24; Corinthians: 29: 14, 16; Romans: 21:1.
Hymn to the Theotokos (“It is truly right…”)
Luke: 1:28, 42, 48.
The Concluding Eucharistic Prayers
2 Maccabees: 12:44-45; 1 Timothy: 2:2; 2 Timothy: 2:15; Romans: 15:6; Titus: 2:13; Revelations:22:21
The Litany before the Lord’s Prayer
Ephesians: 5:2; Philippians: 4:18; 1 Peter: 3:15; Corinthians: 5:10; Ephesians: 4:13; Philippians: 2:1.
The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew: 6:9-13; Corinthians 29:11.
The Elevation of the Holy Gifts (“Holy things are for holy people…”)
Leviticus: 11:44; Philippians: 2:10-11.
The Communion Hymn (“Praise the Lord…”)
Psalm 148:1.
The Eucharist
1 Corinthians: 11:27-29; Matthew: 16:16; 1 Timothy: 1:15; Mark: 14:45; Luke: 23:42- 43; Isaiah: 6:7; 1 Timothy: 1:14; James: 4:8; Psalm 118: 26-27; Psalm: 34:8; 1 Peter: 1:19; John: 6: 32-35, 48-58; Psalm 116:13; Psalm 28:0.
Hymns after Holy Communion (“We have received the true Light..”)
John: 1:9; Rev.: 3-14; Psalm 71:8; Chronicles: 16:9; Ephesians: 3:9.
Litany after Communion
Judges 18:6; Colossians: 3:17; Mark: 11:9.
Prayer behind the Ambo (“O Lord, who blesses those who…”)
Genesis 12:3; Psalm 28:9, Psalm 26.8; Psalm 138:81, 1 Timothy: 2:2; James: 1:17.
“Blessed be the name of the Lord, from this time forth and for evermore!”
Psalm 113:2.
“The blessing of the Lord…”
Psalm 129:8; 2 Corinthians 13:14.
The Dismisal
1 Timothy: 1:1.