Day: November 15, 2015
When you’re forced to say silly things…

Yesterday morning I was standing outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic and, as we prayed the rosary, I was reminded of a video I saw a few weeks ago and I made a mental note to share it here today. The video was of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, an American Politician, being interviewed about her children…
Here’s a transcript of the interview with my comments interspersed:
Interviewer: In your opinion, were [your children] human beings before they were born?
This is a simple question. It deserves a simple “Yes” or “No” answer. Of course, the answer is obvious: yes! Of course, they were human beings before they were born, it’s a simple matter of biology. They were living organisms with human DNA – they were therefore human.
Schultz: You know, I believe that every woman has the right to make their own reproductive choices.
Notice how a simple question was completely avoided. Instead of an answer, we were treated to a political slogan.
Interviewer: But what did you believe about your children?
The question is politely repeated…
Schultz: That I had the right to make my own reproductive choices, which I was glad to have and which I was proud to have.
Again the question is avoided. However, her response dresses in very nice language her rather distressing viewpoint, that she had the right to kill her children if she had so desired.
Interviewer: So were they human beings? Just yes or no.
Yet again, the question is politely repeated…
Schultz: They’re human beings today, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to make my own reproductive choices, as — a right that every woman has and should maintain.
So if they’re human beings today, what on earth were they before? Ants? Elephants? Dolphins? What species transitions into humanity? Aren’t we pro-lifers meant to be the ones who are unscientific? Sheesh…
I look back over this interview and marvel. I understand why this politician responds in the way she does – her philosophy demands it…even if it makes her look rather silly. Since she is in favour of “reproductive choices”, she is forced to avoid answering basic biological questions…because to do so honestly would bring her worldview into sharp conflict with reality.