Byzantine Back and Forth: Slavonic

A while ago I wrote a post talking about the exchanges you’ll commonly hear in the Byzantine circles (e.g. “Glory to Jesus Christ/Glory Forever”). In the Ruthenian Catholic Church you’ll often hear greetings and responses in Slavonic. I couldn’t find anywhere on the Internet to help learn them, so here’s my best attempt to list them all out phonetically and record them onto MP3….


Glory to Jesus Christ/Glory forever (Download)

“Slava Isusu Christu” (SLA-VA EE-SUE-SUE KRI-STU)
“Slava na Veeky” (SLA-VA NA VyEE-KEE)

An alternative dialect has it as
“Slava vo V’iki” (SLA-VA VO VyEE-KEE)

Christ is born/Glorify Him (Download)

“Christos Razhdajetsja” (KRIS-TOS ROZH-DA-YET-SyAH)
“Slaveety Yoho” SLA-VEE-TE YEAH-HO)

Christ is risen/Indeed He is risen (Download)

“Christos Voskres” (KRIS-TOS VOS-KRES)
“Voistynu Voskres” (VO-EE-STEE-NU VOS-KRES)

An alternative dialect has it as:

“Christos Voskrese” (KRIS-TOS VOS-KRES-E)
“Voistinu Voskrese” (VO-EE-STEE-NU VOS-KRES-E)

Christ is among us/He is and will be (Download)

“Chrystos Posredi nas” (KRIS-TOS POS-RE-DI NAS)
“I yest i budet” (YEST EE BOO-DET)

I hope this helps! If anyone out there is a Slavonic expert and would like to correct my pronunciation or phonetic spelling, please leave me a comment! Also, if you’d like to teach the world the responses in Greek, Russian etc, please let me know 🙂

Mangled Matins: Venerable Father Euthymius the Younger

I’m going to be on the East Coast for most of next week so this’ll be the last “Mangled Matins” for a while.

From Monthly Menaion

Troparion of Euthymius  (Tone 8)

From Green Book

Prokeimenon  – St. Nicholas and the Apostles (Tone 8)

Alleluia (Tone 1)

Mangled Matins: Nazarius, Gervase, Protase & Celsus

Since we’ve got a lot of martyrs this week, rather than simply repeat the Prokeimenon and Alleluia of the martyrs which I’ve used for the past two days (because that’d be far too easy!), we’re going to do using the changeable parts based on the day of the week. Since tomorrow is Wednesday, they’ll come from the section on the Holy Cross…

From Monthly Menaion

Troparion  (Tone 4)

From Green Book

Prokeimenon (Tone 7)

Alleluia (Tone 1)

1 2 3 4 5 6