Mangled Matins: Cyprian (10th October)
So today at Matins our priest gave me a new book to add to the pile of books I use to Cantor. Oh joy! More books to manage!
The one I was handed today was the Byzantine Monthly Manaion, which contains many of the changable parts of Matins.
Tomorrow is October 2nd and we’ll be celebrating The Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Virgin Martyr Justina. To help me learn the parts from tomorrow, I recorded myself singing them and I’ve included them below. They’re neither perfect nor polished, but here they are…
Saint Troparion (Tone 4)
Audio PlayerDay Troparion (Tone 1)
Audio PlayerKontakion (Tone 4)
Audio PlayerProkeimenon (Tone 7)
Audio PlayerAlleluia (Tone 6)
Audio PlayerCommunion Hymn (Psalm 111:6-7)
Audio PlayerI think I’ll probably record the changeable parts in advance each time I’m singing Matins, so just in case anyone out there is also having to sing Matins and wants to learn them/suffer along with me, I’ll probably be posting them up here most days.