Epistle of Joy – Episode #2 (Audio) Bonus


This is a supplemental recording to Episode #3 where I go into further detail…

Below is the audio version of today’s video in which I discuss the context of this document – who wrote it, when, where and why?

Epistle of Joy – Episode #2 (Top-Up) (Download)

Audio Player

Epistle of Joy – Episode #2 (Audio)

PodcastAs I mentioned previously, the Lenten video series on Paul’s epistle to the Philippians is also going to be available in MP3 format. Here is the audio of latest episode.

Just as a reminder, if you would like to subscribe in iTunes (“File” -> “Subscribe to Podcast…”), please use the following URL:


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Below is the audio version of today’s video in which I discuss the context of this document – who wrote it, when, where and why?

Epistle of Joy – Episode #2 (Download)

Audio Player

The Epistle of Joy – Episode #2 (Video)

Today we’re going to start our study of Philippians, “The Epistle of Joy”. We’re going to begin by looking at the context of the letter. Who wrote it? To whom? When? Why?

If you’d like to take your study even further, I’d invite you to read my written introductory notes and, if you’re a real Bible nerd, you may also enjoy the “Top Up” episode I recorded where I discuss the theory that Philippians may actually be multiple letters stitched together:

For an audio-only version of this video, please click here.

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