Sister Act Songs

Here’s something fun from ChurchPop, just to perk up your day…

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Update: I was listening to the Sister Act’s classic rendition of Hail Holy Queen and there were a few Latin phrases I realized I couldn’t quite make out so I dug around until I found the lyrics. Those phrases come from another Marian hymn, O Sanctimissa:

Mater amata, intemerata
(Beloved mother, pure/chaste)

Virgo respice, mater adspice
(Caring virgin, watchful mother)

Oh, and these are interspersed with a phrase found in one of the standard parts of the Mass:

Sanctus, sanctus Dominus
(Holy, holy Lord)

TOT: Prayer In The Fast Lane


In the last round of Theology On Tap we also had Chris Hulbert come and speak to us, “Prayer in the FAST LANE! Quiet moments to connect with God”. The audio is available for download below:

Main Talk (Download)

Q&A (Download)

Group Discussion (Download)

Top 11 reasons why all men should learn to dance

All in all, I’ve taught quite a few dance classes this year. For example, at the beginning of the summer, I visited a local school and introduced a class of Eighth Graders to swing dancing and last month I taught a group of a hundred and fifty teenagers (eesh!) at a youth retreat in Julian.

As a general rule, when I teach dance lessons, the girls are really enthusiastic about learning whereas the guys are usually more reluctant. I’ve noticed that this reaction is not limited to teenagers. I’ve seen the same thing when I’ve taught  “young adults” and I’ve even seen the same reaction among real grown-ups too! For example, towards the beginning of the year I taught Nightclub Foxtrot at a local parish event and, when it was time for the lesson, all the men were suddenly rather absent… Where had all the “leaders” gone?

In this post I would like to outline the top eleven reasons as to why every man should learn to dance. Anyone who knows me well will know that I think all guys, without exception, should know how to dance. In Medieval times, a knight’s training was considered incomplete if he could not dance. It was true then and I think it’s no less true today… 🙂

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