
I remember watching an episode of the TV show “QI” several years ago where the host, Stephen Fry, in a flabbergasted fashion explained to the panelists and audience that the Catholic Church denounces superstition. From his atheistic viewpoint he couldn’t see any different between spirituality and superstition.

A couple of days ago there was a great article by Michelle Arnold on this topic of superstition which I think is well worth a read:


As Catholics we have a rich faith with a wealth of devotions, but these can all-too-easily devolve into mechanistic superstition where we treat God and the Saints as our personal genie.

What do you think we can do to stop this happening?

TOT: Apocalypse Now?

MBLast month, Dr. Michael Barber gave a talk at Theology On Tap.

Dr. Barber has spoken at Theology On Tap several times in the past (“Understanding The Mass” and “Spiritual Lessons About Politics”), as has his wife (“Mary, Saints, Angels and More!”).

Attached below is the audio of Dr. Barber’s latest talk, entitled “The Book of Revelation and the Mass”, where he deals with some of the misconceptions concerning this final book of the Bible, as well as its connection to the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist with which we’re all familiar:

Audio Player

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

If you like what you hear, I’d thoroughly recommend you purchase his book Coming Soon, which is my favourite commentary on the Book of Revelation.

Music Monday: Death Be Not Proud

At the end of this week I’m going to be in Los Angeles for the funeral of my friend Thomas, who died in a motorbike accident last Tuesday. It seems fitting, therefore, that today’s Music Monday song should come from the title track of Audrey Assad’s latest album, “Death, be not proud”:

Death, be not proud, though the whole world fear you:
Mighty and dreadful you may seem,
But death, be not proud, for your pride has failed you.
You will not kill me.

Though you may dwell in plague and poison,
You’re a slave to fate and desperate men,
So death, if your sleep be the gates to Heaven, why your confidence?

When you will be no more, you will be no more,
When you will be no more.
Even death will die… x2

Death, be not proud x3
Cause even death will die.

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