Resolution Update
So far this year I haven’t posted any updates regarding my new year resolutions. Well, I’m pleased to report that things are going pretty well…
Resolution #1: Read the entire Bible
I have been sticking with my Bible study reading plan and I’m actually a little ahead of schedule. I’ve finished the entire Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), Matthew’s Gospel, Acts of the Apostles and I’m nearing the end of the Psalms. On the subject of Bible reading plans, Meg Hunter-Kilmer recently posted an article about an alternative reading plan, which I might tackle next year.
Resolution #2: Get back into martial arts
I have now been doing Kung Fu (Choi Li Fut) for three and a half months. I’ve already got my first three stripes and I should be taking my Yellow Sash test sometime in May, after the Kung Fu tournament this weekend.
Resolution #3: Run a marathon
Out of my three resolutions, this is the only one which is a little shaky. I have been building my fitness back up. As well as Kung Fu, I have returned to playing Ultimate Frisbee each week (far more enjoyable than just running sprints) I have also been having some intensive massage therapy to sort out some of my muscle issues in my right side. I hope to start actually going out for runs sometime next month.