TOT: How to read the Bible for all its worth….

It has taken me a while, but I finally got around to editing the audio from my recent Theology On Tap session entitled “Reading the Bible for all its worth”. The audio quality wasn’t great, but I’ve cleaned it up the best I can. For the benefit of those who couldn’t attend my talk, I have created a YouTube video which plays the audio synchronized with my slides:

Extra Files

The video doesn’t contain the Q&A after the talk or the “Mega Bible Study” discussion which took place afterwards. The audio for these sections is available below:

Audio Player

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

Audio Player

Mega Bible Study (Download)


Handout (Download)

Win fabulous prizes!

In my talk I recommend looking for one thing at each Sunday Mass to take away for your spiritual nourishment during the rest of the week and I suggest writing this down in a Mass Journal. I have six Mass journals to give away!

Simply leave a comment below describing an insight from a recent talk, sermon or Bible study which touched you. It doesn’t have to be earth shattering, just something which you might record in your new Mass Journal! The first six comments will win.



  • The10/6/13 Sunday reading hit me like a ton of bricks – gave confirmation as I heard it to something I was in discernment about. 🙂

    I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for his sake; but bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.

    Take as your norm the sound words that you heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Guard this rich trust with the help of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

  • Great post!

  • Sorry I missed your talk. Looking forward to watching/listening! Today at mass our priest compared All Saints’ Day to sort of a “hall of fame.” He then shared stories of some not-so-well known saints, like St. Isidor. (Did anyone know he is patron saint of the Internet? I sure didn’t!) Anyway, the picture he painted of All Saints Day will not soon disappear from my head, and actually made me ask myself, “Am I living my life like one of these saints?”

  • What stuck with me from Mass today was the theme of how unconditional;God’s love is and how conditional human love is. The priest said that was demonstrated throughout the readings today. God showed his unconditional love through his mercy and Jesus showed his unconditional love to Zacchaeus. I really love the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus because it reminds us that we need to be ready to open our lives to Jesus because he truly wishes to dwell in our homes, in our lives. And later I watched a documentary on the life of Pope Francis which shows how much Pope Francis truly follows Jesus’ example and shows mercy and love to everyone no matter what they have done. We are so blessed!

  • A while ago, I listened to a Catholic Stuff You Should Know podcast on the sin of detraction. It really challenged my outlook on striving for virtue. It helped me to recognize that great care should be taken in little things, especially in loving and caring for the people in our lives. Every person we meet deserves consideration, including as to what we say about them to others.

  • Inspiring and practical. Excellent job David.

  • Okay, I think it’s too late to get a journal but I still want to comment. I just heard a talk as I was driving to my traineeship earlier this week. The speaker talked about the true character of a man. He said that it didn’t matter how good of a man he seemed to be, how many things he had learned or how intelligent he was. What truly mattered was his heart. The love and purity of his heart were what really made him great. He said even if someone does not know how to eloquently express him or herself, their true character is truly visible and in the end that’s what really matters and what people perceive. Sure people can be successful by learning a skill and pretending to be of “good nature” to their colleagues, businessmen or clients, but nothing is greater truth, honesty and love. Skills and intelligence can only take you so far but truth and love stand forever. 🙂

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