One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic & Intergalactic Church

Happy St. George’s Day! Today I’m leaving Blighty and heading back to the United States with my shiny new visa.  Since I’m going to be on a plane for most of the day I thought today’s post should be something related to the theme of “flight”.

Before Lent, Elias over at “That Hideous Blog” posted a picture of a Russian Astronaut with an icon of the Theotokos (the Virgin Mary):

Orthodoxy in space

This reminded me of an amazing podcast episode by Jimmy Akin from Catholic Answers. In this podcast episdoe he talks about how Catholicism might respond to space colonization. It makes me so happy that someone else is out there thinking about this stuff! 😀

Wise Words on Wednesday: Democratic Church

Houses of Parliament

For those who come to theological conclusions by putting their finger in the air to test the various options, Jesus gives us an example by first asking the Apostles what others think of him. Notice that all their answers were wrong. How often do we look to the opinion of others rather than seek out His authority for answers? Knowing that the Father would reveal the correct answer, Jesus asks them the most important question, “But who do you say that I am?”

– Jeff Cavins, “I’m not being fed!”

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