Lent, the traditional season of penance, is drawing to a close. As we enter Holy Week I thought it might be helpful if I shared some of the prayers from the Byzantine Rite. These prayers are prayed by the priest as you stand before the icon of Christ prior to confessing:
God our Savior, through your prophet Nathan You granted the repentant David the forgiveness of his sins. You also accepted Manasseh’s prayer of repentance. In your love now receive your servants here present who repent for the sins they have committed.
O Lord, Who forgive offenses and pass over transgressions, overlook all that they have done. As You have said “I do not desire the death of a sinner, but that he should turn from his wickedness and live” and, another time, that sins should be forgiven even to “seventy-times-seven.” How incomparable is your goodness and how limitless your mercy; for if You were to take notice of iniquities, who should be able to stand? You are the God of the repentant and we glorify You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.
Behold my spiritual child, Christ stands here invisibly and receives your confession. Therefore, be not afraid or ashamed and conceal nothing from your confessor, but tell without hesitation all that you have done so you shall have pardon from our Lord Jesus Christ. Behold his holy image is before us and I am but a witness bearing testimony before Him of the things which you have to say, but if you shall conceal anything you shall have the greater sin. Take heed, therefore, lest having come to the Physician, you depart unhealed

Might it be time to go to the Sacrament of Confession?