Sheep and Goats
Some people once came to a hermit in the Thebaid to ask him to cure a demoniac whom they brought with them.
After the hermit had been asked to do this for some time, he said to the demon, “Go out of God’s creature.”
The demon answered, “I will, but first let me ask you a question; tell me, who are the goats and who are the sheep?”
The hermit said, “The goats are people like myself; who the sheep are, God alone knows.”
The demon shouted aloud at the words, crying, “Look here, I am going out because of your humility” and he went out at that moment.
– De vitis Patrum, Sive Verba Seniorum, Liber V
Amma Theodora said that neither asceticism, nor vigils, nor any kind of suffering are able to save. Only true humility can do that. There was a hermit who was able to banish the demons. And he asked them: “What makes you go away? Is it fasting?” They replied: “We do not eat or drink.” “Is it vigils?” They said: “We do not sleep.” “Then what power sends you away?” They replied: “Nothing can overcome us except humility alone.”
Nice. Sycletica is still my favourite amma though