Resolution Update
Resolution update time!
Resolution #1. Go dancing at least once a week.
I’ve done reasonably well on this one, doing a load of swing and a little bit of salsa.
Resolution #2. Check bank statements once a week.
Utterly failed. Only checked it once. C’mon man!
Resolution #3. Complete Reading List
So far I’ve finished The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity, Problem of Pain,
The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks. I’m about a 50% through After Jesus, 30% through Every Man’s Journey and 10% through both Confessions and Hold Me Tight.
Resolution #4. Give up Facebook for Lent
It’s not Lent yet
Resolution #5. Guard free time more jealously
I’ve done pretty well at this and I’ve also managed to do a Holy Hour each week (even if I did get kicked out of the Adoration chapel a few days ago!). I had an hour-long massage this week. Things have been a little stressful and I’ve been really glad about the extra “margin” in my life
Resolution #6. Invest more time in friendships
Had several hang outs with friends who I haven’t seen in a while.
Resolution #7. Blacklist TV Shows
Blacklisted shows have remained blacklisted. I’m still spending more time in front of the TV than I would like though.
Resolution #8. Run a half marathon and do a 15 minute plank
I’m currently up to a 10 minute plank. I also signed up for the Warrior Dash in April.
Resolution #9. Cook a proper meal once a week
I’ve only done some proper cooking for two out of the four weeks. I need to be a bit more disciplined about this.
Resolution #10. Write the book
I haven’t done any more work on it yet, but I’m trying to clear out the “Drafts” folder of my blog first.