Smelling the conciliar coffee

coffee Since this Year of Faith marks the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, I’d like to publish more posts concerning the Council this year.

Today I would like to share a little anecdote concerning the Council I came across in Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s autobiography, Treasure In Clay:

“Under the two great tiers which seated about 1,200 bishops on each side of the basilica, there were two coffee bars. It was not long before the Fathers found names for them. One was called Bar-Jona, which was part of the Hebrew name for St. Peter” – Fulton Sheen, Treasure In Clay, Page 302

How adorable is that?! Archbishop Sheen later writes that there was a lot of humour at the Council and that there were little poems written and passed around throughout the gathering. At the close of the Council, Bishop John P. O’Loughlin wrote the following:

As we bishops depart from old Roma
We can proudly display our disploma
     At the Council’s finale
     We say “buon natale”
And “goodbye” to Bar-Jona’s aroma

Trent Horn

Trent Horn is one of the newest apologists at Catholic Answers and recently took up residence in the greatest city in America, San Diego. He recently launched a new blog


It’s a bit bare at the moment, but I’d invite you to subscribe to his blog now as I’m sure the upcoming content will be top notch. If you want to get a feel for the kind of stuff which will be appearing there in the future, you can check out his appearances on Catholic Answers, as well as find many videos of him on YouTube discussing pro-life issues and debating atheists.

Oh yes, and it’s his birthday today. Happy birthday Trent 🙂