TOT: Year of Faith

Year of FaithThe purpose of Theology On Tap is to help Young Adults grow together in their faith in a relaxed, informal environment. A few days ago I posted the audio from Dr. Michael Barber’s Theology On Tap talk at John Paul “The Great” University on the subject of “Spiritual lessons about politics from the book of Revelation”.

Today I’m posting the audio from another talk in that series, this time by Fr. Andy Younan. Earlier this year Pope Benedict called for a “Year of Faith”. Fr. Andy’s talk addresses this subject as well as another subject you may have heard a lot about, the “New Evangelization”

The talk is entitled “The Year of Faith & the New Evangelization” and is available for download by clicking on the link below:

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

Audio Player

One of the parishes with which I’m involved here in San Diego will be hosting a conference as part of the Year of Faith. As soon as we have our dates and speakers confirmed I’ll post some more information.

Private Revelation

In my various wanderings I have, on occasion, come across a certain breed of Catholic who is extreeeeeemely attached to stuff like the Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, as well as medals and other specific prayers and devotions, all of which leave me feeling rather…meh.

Now, I’m not rubbishing any of these devotions, not at all. In fact, some of them eventually won me over and now feature significantly in my spiritual life, such as the Divine Mercy Chaplet. However, I’ve often found the rather overzealous promotion of some of these devotions to be rather off-putting.

I think what I have found unsettling is the unspoken (although sometimes spoken!) assertion that such-and-such a devotion IS Catholicism, or at least a fundamental part of it. My expressions of disinterest, therefore, have been taken almost as acts of apostasy! How could any self-respecting Catholic NOT be absolutely enthralled by this devotion?!

So why am I bringing this up? Well, this morning I was clearing out some of my old browser bookmarks and came across a great article by Mark Shea where he addressed this very question and gave some superb advice:

“[T]he good news is that the Church binds you to none of it… If it helps your devotion to Christ, then great.  If not, or if it gives you trouble, just stick with the public revelation [i.e. the official, binding teaching of the Church] and it will be fine.” – Mark Shea

You can read the full article here:

private revelation

What do you think? Are there any devotions which you follow which you’ve found helpful? Or have you ever been put off by someone’s extremely zealous promotion of one?

TOT: Spiritual Lessons about Politics

Did your Christmas presents disappoint? Did Santa get lost on the way to your house? Were you naughty and not, in fact, nice? Well, no need to worry! In today’s post there’s a present we can all enjoy! 😉

Back in November we had another round of Theology On Tap here in San Diego, this time at John Paul “The Great” University. The first talk was from Dr. Michael Barber, entitled “Spiritual Lessons about Politics from the book of Revelation”Dr. Barber’s talk is broken into two MP3s, roughly half an hour apiece, and is available for download below:

Main Talk (Download)

Audio Player

Q&A (Download)

Audio Player

No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength…
We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
 – Psalm 33:16-20

Four Horsemen

They clearly want us to vote Republican…

This year I’m actually going to be re-reading Dr. Barber’s commentary on the Book of Revelation and studying it with my friend Kevin, so you can probably expect to see a few Apocalyptic-related posts “coming soon”… 🙂

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