Is England in London? (Part 2)
Whenever Americans find out that I’m from England (and not from Australia), the conversation quickly turns to the subject of London.
For example, it’s usually assumed that I was born in London (I wasn’t) and that I’ve lived in London my whole life (I haven’t). When someone is telling me about his experience of London I’m often tempted to ask him what he means by “London” because, like most things in England, things are rarely straight-forward…
sigh. Blogger sucks David. I want to show my appreciation for this post via stars and it’s not possible! I just get this comment option. Booooooo.
Anyway, when I was overseas I got a bunch of questions as to number of movie stars I’ve spotted. Since that’s a thing in CA I guess?
> Blogger sucks David
That’s why I use WordPress
> I want to show my appreciation for this post via stars and it’s not possible!
I consulted the Bible (1 Corinthians 4:3) and concluded that I wasn’t going to enable that feature
> Anyway, when I was overseas I got a bunch of questions as to number of movie stars I’ve spotted. Since that’s a thing in CA I guess?
Also, where is the first part of this series? I am the most confused with your tags.
Wait, you’re not Australian?
wow. this was fantastic, entertaining, and informative. Thank you!