Sunday Lectionary: If you want something done properly…

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 22nd July 2012

good shepherd iconThe theme throughout the Readings this week is that of shepherding.

In our First Reading the Prophet Jeremiah berates the leaders of Israel who have failed in their duty to carefully shepherd the people. In response to their failure, God promises that He Himself will gather His people together and that there will come from the line of David an exemplary shepherd.

This good shepherd is, of course, Jesus Christ and this is demonstrated in our Gospel this week when we hear about our Lord’s compassion on the people for they were like sheep without a shepherd”.

Likewise, in our Second Reading, St. Paul praises the wisdom of God who, through Christ, has broke[n] down the dividing wall of enmity”, thus uniting two flocks, the flock of the the Jews and the flock of the Gentiles. These two flocks are gathered into the Church under one Shepherd, Christ.

And so in our Psalm we praise the Lord, our Shepherd, who is by our side even though the “dark valley” and who leads us “beside restful waters”  and to “verdant pastures”.

As the Lord “spread[s] the table before [us]”  this week in the Eucharistic feast, let us celebrate our Good Shepherd, who loves so much that He laid down His life for us, His sheep.

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Wise Words on Wednesday: The First and the Last

It’s a double-whammy “Wise Words on Wednesday” today! I saw this quotation from Grandpa Sheen earlier this week and thought it was too good to hang to…

Fulton Sheen

“The night of the Last Supper the Apostles were quarreling as to who would have the first place at table among themselves. Our Blessed Lord then got down on His knees, washed their feet and wiped them with a towel. How few there are who ever fight for the towel.”– Archbishop Fulton Sheen, “That Tremendous Love”

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